"So we geared up, put on our inefficient, technically archaic, and altogether butt-scratchingly uncomfortable armor, put on our absolute garbage-dump helmets that don't let us see a dang thing, and loaded up these E-11s you've given us, which require one to aim as far as possible away from what one's shooting at in order to have half a chance of hitting it. So thanks for all that!" ―TD-7556[src]
Lähettäjä: ksenon
Otsikko: Stormtroopers
Kuvaus: "So we geared up, put on our inefficient, technically archaic, and altogether butt-scratchingly uncomfortable armor, put on our absolute garbage-dump helmets that don't let us see a dang thing, and loaded up these E-11s you've given us, which require one to aim as far as possible away from what one's shooting at in order to have half a chance of hitting it. So thanks for all that!" ―TD-7556[src]
Hakusanat: Storm, trooper, stormtrooper, taistelukenttä, star, wars,
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Aika: 2022-02-09 16:49:59
<Juzi> +5 RR
Askila https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F-FVJIXw-s "THE BATTLEFIELD - A Star Wars short film made with Unreal Engine 5"
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<Tylsäätöissä2> Aika hassu juttu että tuopissa lukee rastal mutta tissejä ei näy
<Juzi> Askila https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F-FVJIXw-s "THE BATTLEFIELD - A Star Wars short film made with Unreal Engine 5"
<onzir> "Somebody is there wawing a glowstick around.. IS HE HIGH?!!" :DD
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