A pickpocket scours the subway at the command of his inner demons, but when a chance encounter with fate brings a long-lost love back into his life, he must defy the voices in his head and choose a righteous path.
Riemurasia on ollut tavoittamattomissa 1.2.2022 - 2.2.2022 välisen ajan päivitystöiden johdosta. Ilmoitelkaa rohkeasti sivuston ongelmista mikäli niitä tulee vastaan palautesivun kautta.
A pickpocket scours the subway at the command of his inner demons, but when a chance encounter with fate brings a long-lost love back into his life, he must defy the voices in his head and choose a righteous path.
Kommentit (2)
<Tömpsy> ei hätää se vie sun sielun seuraavaksi
<Rofloplex> Hieno oli
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