hymyR.I.P B.B. King
This is Lucile. BB King would name his favorite guitar "Lucille", and over the years many guitars (similar to the Gibson ES-355, but modified for him) enjoyed the moniker. The name came from a woman, but it's not what you think. Back in '49 he was playing a club in Arkansas when a fight broke out on the dance floor between to men over a woman. The men knocked over a barrel that was being used to heat the room and set the place ablaze. King ran out, realized he forgot his guitar, ran back in and grabbed it and escaped again. He later found out that both of the men fighting died in the fire, so he named his guitar after the woman they were fighting over to remind him to never do something as stupid as to run into a burning building, and that no woman was worth dying for. I like to think musicians have special connections to their instruments, and I wonder if Lucille is lonely today.
Lähettäjä: hymy
Otsikko: R.I.P B.B. King
Kuvaus: This is Lucile. BB King would name his favorite guitar "Lucille", and over the years many guitars (similar to the Gibson ES-355, but modified for him) enjoyed the moniker. The name came from a woman, but it's not what you think. Back in '49 he was playing a club in Arkansas when a fight broke out on the dance floor between to men over a woman. The men knocked over a barrel that was being used to heat the room and set the place ablaze. King ran out, realized he forgot his guitar, ran back in and grabbed it and escaped again. He later found out that both of the men fighting died in the fire, so he named his guitar after the woman they were fighting over to remind him to never do something as stupid as to run into a burning building, and that no woman was worth dying for. I like to think musicians have special connections to their instruments, and I wonder if Lucille is lonely today.
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Aika: 2015-05-17 15:21:59
<Aatu Hitler>
Blues Boy King, universumin lahja bluesille ja monelle rock vaikuttajallekkin. RIP
Aika: 2015-05-17 15:15:50
Kevyet mullat bluesin kuninkaalle. Kaipauksella.
Aika: 2015-05-17 15:49:07
Minäpä oon kokeillut tuota nimenomaista kitaraa. Puistobluesissa v. 2000 kun oli backline-vastaavana ko. konsertissa.
Kommentit (10)
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<traveller> The thrill is gone :(
<Levollinen> Juti vois alkaa heittää blueskeikkaa nimellä BBQing
<Teesi> deimus Nätisti sanottuna,vedä vittu päähäs ja kuole.
<Mauser91> Jim Lahey "i drink for that"
<deimus> Ei nyt helvetti. Kauhee mediasirkus sankarista jota kukaan ei tiennyt ennen tätä. Tietty varmasti tuttu joillekkin mutta samanlaista pelleilyä kuin Mandelan kanssa.
<Boink> Minäpä oon kokeillut tuota nimenomaista kitaraa. Puistobluesissa v. 2000 kun oli backline-vastaavana ko. konsertissa.
<markus-markus> Hautais tuon kitaran miehen mukana, eikä laittaisi johonkin museoon näytille
<Aatu Hitler> Blues Boy King, universumin lahja bluesille ja monelle rock vaikuttajallekkin. RIP
<Salmioksa> Joskus vielä Akulle ja Hannulle käy noin... Iines kusipää huora
<Teesi> Kevyet mullat bluesin kuninkaalle. Kaipauksella.
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