
barack obama barack obama

Make your own sentence

2.8 / 5 (81 ääntä)

Make your own sentence

Julkaistu: 18.5.2010 02:52

Tarkastaja: Käyttäjät


Lähettäjä: barack obama barack obama

Otsikko: Make your own sentence

Hakusanat: make, your, own, sentence, valitse, syntymäkuukausi, choose, birth, month, color, shirt, paidan, väri,

2.8 / 5 (81 ääntä)


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Kommentit (1177)

Piilota OFF-Topic keskustelu

26.09.2018 14:26

<Doup> I smoked weed with a fat guy because I'm sexy.

01.03.2017 22:37

<Tai!s> Löysimpä näppärän tavan vastata teidän tietoturvakysymyksiin.

21.01.2016 17:44

<Thebel> I pissed on an old man because I smoked crack

12.11.2015 19:49

<yrmyyrmy> i ran naked with a nazi because i`m gay

10.10.2015 17:10

<tusinasofisti> I need a nazi because I'm sexy. Harvinaisen vähän tolkkua.

21.06.2015 22:15

<räppänä> I swallowed sperm from my uncle because I'm addicted to cocaine.

17.12.2014 17:44

<eoxoo> I killed a lesbian because I was horney... :D :D :D :D :D

11.12.2014 18:45

<ARTTUPERKELE> I killed a dildo because im sexy...

26.11.2014 23:54

<doobey> I smoked weed with michael jackson because i have abs

10.11.2014 10:36

<Odin78> I killed a prostitute because I have perfect Abs! :D

02.08.2014 09:19

<Sherlock[Fin]> I did a blowjob to Michael Jackson, because I'm sexy(?) -.-

28.07.2014 10:55

<jopze> I killed a lesbian because I'm sexy. Way to go boys

08.06.2014 13:07

<Akyiu> I stabbed a black guy because I smoked crack

12.04.2014 12:33

<Komurairenu> voi paska, i hate a jew because i'm rasist

28.03.2014 13:41

<Odin78> I killed a prostitute because I hate my life :D

14.03.2014 18:44

<Apzu> I did a blowjob to a dog, because I hate my life

12.03.2014 19:25

<Nutcaze> I got married with a bowl of cereal because im sexy

27.02.2014 14:46

<TotteryDonkey> I got married with a porn star because I smoked crack :D

18.02.2014 17:04

<FSamei> Ei vittu ketää kiinosta teijän kommentit

15.02.2014 15:14

<DRAVENN> i hate a drunk mexican 'cause that's what i'm

11.02.2014 13:51

<Shaddi> I stabbed a Jew, because that's what I am

05.12.2013 23:27

<maisi> I stabbed a porn star because my friends told me to do it and I stink.

04.12.2013 21:42

<Heze68> I fucked a dog because im sexy :DD

14.10.2013 14:54

<Janne Salami> I need a dildo because i stink

28.09.2013 20:46

<naamiotyyppi> I killed an old man because that's what I'm.

06.07.2013 14:02

<schnitzelman> I need a clown because i hate my life.

22.06.2013 16:08

<Kylpykalle> I fucked a dildo because I was horny

29.03.2013 12:24

<pop-up> i got married with a condom becouse i'm sexy

08.02.2013 01:20

<zimiih> I smoked weed with a dog, because i'm sexy

04.12.2012 21:53

<snaterii> I ran (...) with a pornstar because im sexy.

12.10.2012 00:07

<Vilbu> Voih... toi viimine lause ois voinu jäädä pois, vaikka mitäpä väliä sillä on ku kaikki kommentois omansa jokatapauksessa..:D

10.10.2012 14:07

<killthebean92> I fucked barney the dinosaur because that's what I am.

13.08.2012 21:44

<SamLamm> I stabbed Michael Jackson because i'm sexy.

04.08.2012 18:17

<tepi6969> I pissed on Madonna because I'm sexy.

30.06.2012 18:07

<BOBs> I fucked a prostitute because that's what i am.

26.06.2012 05:32

<Manakuski> I fucked an egg, because i hate my life....

14.06.2012 21:21

<Savipeku> I fucked a monkey 'cos I'm sexy.

20.05.2012 01:28

<tteemuu> I pissed on George Bush because I smoked crack.

10.05.2012 22:09

<Tyr0> I got married with a piece of shit, because I was horny. Jaahas.

07.04.2012 11:49

<Anarchrist> I got married with an old man because I smoked crack.

27.03.2012 16:37

<Random_From_The_TV> I fucked an egg because I smoked crack :(

24.03.2012 12:40

<Marco2> i fucked a jew because i'm sexy

07.03.2012 21:57

<Rupsander> I need Madonna because I hate my life.

03.03.2012 17:51

<aciddragon3124> I killed a drunk Mexican because I have perfect abs.

13.02.2012 13:08

<asdmaker> I ran (...) with a lesbian because i'm sexy < Fiksuimmat voi päätellä et tänää täytän vuosia ;))

11.02.2012 14:14

<aunholyaxgod> I killed a vacuum cleaner because i hate my life.

11.02.2012 13:20

<siimahäntä> kiva ku kaikki postailee omansa tänne.

23.01.2012 19:57

<proschoise> i ran (...) with a drug dealer because i hate my life

11.01.2012 10:30

<munchiniemi> I pissed on Michael Jackson because that's what I am. Juujuu...

04.01.2012 14:15

<Pumpkincarnival> I need a fat guy because i'm sexy

01.01.2012 03:59

<Mirkko> i smoked weed with a drug dealer because i smoked crack

19.12.2011 17:56

<villimutvapaa> I hate a jew cos' i'm sexy

18.12.2011 15:39

<Lexa92> I fucked Michael Jackson because I'm sexy

18.12.2011 15:39

<gauntler> I did a blowjob to a horse because I stink

05.12.2011 00:05

<pauluz> I took a crap on a piece of shit because i hate my life :DDDDD

25.11.2011 14:40

<Jormuli69> I took a crap on a prstitute because im sexy :D

24.11.2011 22:27

<HussaX> vittu

06.11.2011 13:29

<Derx> I did a blowjob to your mom because i got an orgasm

05.11.2011 13:50

<s0m3w34rd0> i took a crap on an egg because im sexy

02.11.2011 19:45

<Temeee^> I ran (...) with a piece of shit becauser i'm sexy

01.11.2011 11:51

<Puzze> I killed Michael Jackson because that's what I'm

28.10.2011 21:51

<Lifeson> I fucked a dildo koska minulla ei ole t-paitaa.

23.10.2011 15:35

<AxY^^> I pissed on A drunk mexican becouse im sexy.

17.10.2011 14:55

<Pelsu-> I fucked a horse because i'm sexy...WUT?

10.10.2011 20:57

<auditore> I need Michael Jackson because I hate my life

01.10.2011 11:37

<Silma> I hate George Bush because I'm sexy.

19.09.2011 18:01

<Räyhätin> i fucked a dildo because im gay :D

16.09.2011 00:09

<Strange> I smoked weed with a horse because i'm sexy

16.08.2011 21:48

<Myllypelle> I did a blowjob to a peace of crap because a have perfect abs

12.08.2011 04:03

<Manuel> i hate the old man because im sexy ;)

08.08.2011 23:23

<[Omen4]> I pissed on your mom because i stink

06.08.2011 15:52

<veeb> I fucked a nazi because I'm sexy.

04.08.2011 01:14

<Akkos> I took a crap on a jew because I'm racist

06.07.2011 23:26

<adeu> I stabbed a vacuum cleaner because im a racist

30.06.2011 19:54

<steelburger> I shot a puppet because i have perfect abs

27.06.2011 19:21

<qwormuli> i took a crap on george bush because im single

24.06.2011 15:38

<tomperor> I stabbed a piece of shit because thats what i am.

23.06.2011 09:51

<tupakkamummu> I need a vacuum cleaner because i smoked crack!

19.06.2011 13:52

<hancger> I took a crap on a cookie jar because i was horny

12.06.2011 09:28

<|Jee|> i did a blowjob to george bush because im sexy

08.06.2011 19:13

<piilopirtti> I fucked a bowl of cereal because i have perfect abs :/

07.06.2011 23:41

<krideman> I stabbed a horse because i was horny.

04.06.2011 23:51

<neonxeon> I need a jew because im sexy

03.05.2011 23:06

<selby> i wrote a sentence which no one will read

29.04.2011 19:45

<Subä> I took a crap on a travesty because I'm sexy =)

11.04.2011 03:17

<coolone> I smoked weed with lesbian because I hate my life.

10.04.2011 01:18

<biotrin> I shot an egg because I have perfect abs :D

06.04.2011 15:10

<kirsikkaperunamuusi> I did a blowjob to George Bush because I'm sexy

16.03.2011 18:15

<Nappoalot> I smoked weed with a vacuum cleaner because I was horny

14.03.2011 10:22

<-hyde> i got married with a cookie jar because i smoked crack

09.03.2011 19:35

<Asbestikeisari> i killed a condom because im sexy

08.03.2011 13:09

<lpiiska> i fucked your grandma because i have perfect abs :D

01.03.2011 13:31

<märkäjonne> täällä näköjään paljo jolla lempiväri musta

21.02.2011 12:22

<Ninja3try> HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA I pissed on George Bush because i'm sexy! :D

17.02.2011 20:08

<Horna-> I took a crap on a horse because I'm sexy???

16.02.2011 15:31

<Testomon> I shoot a travesty because i'm sexy

16.02.2011 15:11

<VilleKoo1> I pissed on George Bush because I'm sexy... So true that it hurts

09.02.2011 01:30

<Sahtivatti> I ran naked with a piece of shit because I'm racist.

30.01.2011 21:29

<ZingaZ> i ran naked with a dog because im sexy :D

30.01.2011 16:18

<Mareed> I hate santa claus because im sexy.

10.01.2011 16:01

<Marme> I stabbed an old man because i have perfect abs.

07.01.2011 18:28

<Sande25> i smoked weed with your grandmother bcouse im sexy

03.01.2011 20:54

<naikhou> I ran naked with your grandmother because I was horny

02.01.2011 22:36

<MMaD> i did a blowjob to a robot because im sexy

29.12.2010 19:50

<annailona> I shot a prostitute cause that's what I am

29.12.2010 17:07

<fablee> I pissed on a horse because my friends told me to do it

29.12.2010 16:16

<Hellbilly2> I shot a robot because I'm sexy.

28.12.2010 18:59

<ööö> i need a drunken mexican because i have perfect abs

20.12.2010 11:58

<Fledermaus> i did a blowjob to santa claus because im sexy..

14.12.2010 20:29

<^^Anzku> I hate a black guy because I hate my life

13.12.2010 00:29

<DrM4D> I pissed on your grandmother because that's what I am.

12.12.2010 23:45

<karmelappel> i smoked weed with a pornstar because i'm single

03.12.2010 19:07

<Grenademaul> I pissed on a black guy because i stink

28.11.2010 14:16

<Halipatsuinen> i did a blowjob to a piece of shit because im sexy.

25.11.2010 16:49

<YourMadNess> I did a blowjob to a horse, because I hate my life

24.11.2010 18:40

<CnC_Fin> I did a blow to job a bowl of cereal because I'm sexy

21.11.2010 09:38

<LionC> I pissed on a Nazi, beacause I'm sexy.

18.11.2010 16:54

<sanepane> I pissed on Barney the Dinosaur because I was horny

17.11.2010 18:09

<mikzuu-> i killed a vacuum cleaner because i was horny

12.11.2010 16:22

<Wiltz> I stabbed a travesty because i hate my life /nojaa

06.11.2010 12:16

<Sisilisko> I fucked a dog because I'm sexy.

30.10.2010 18:53

<Kai1> I took a crap on your grandmother because I hate my life

28.10.2010 16:37

<Pekefiili> I fucked Barney the Dinosaur because I stink. : D

21.10.2010 22:37

<rauno_repomies947> I fucked michael jackson because im sexy :D

03.10.2010 13:09

<missmaipi> I fucked a fat guy because i'm sexy

04.09.2010 13:53

<basso pää> i stabed a prostitute cause in sexy.

21.08.2010 23:06

<0deh> I hate a bowl of cereal because I'm sexy

17.08.2010 09:16

<KingDuck> i did a blowjob to an egg because i'm sexy

09.08.2010 09:30

<haardo> i did a blowjob to a robot because i have perfect abs :D

01.08.2010 20:16

<Tuntemätön> i did a blowjob to an egg because im sexy

24.07.2010 16:33

<Lanchelo> I killed a Prostitute because that's what i am

20.07.2010 23:24

<Falken43> I took a crap on a drug dealer because i'm sexy

19.07.2010 21:48

<wtx> I ran naked with a clown cos i hate my life : ((

14.07.2010 13:12

<unzki^^> I hate a dildo because i have perfect ads

02.07.2010 23:12

<voijuku> I pissed on a jew because i stink.

01.07.2010 01:09

<America1> I shot a lesbian because I'm sexy.

30.06.2010 01:46

<F4rl4nd> vani||a -> (Y) paras päivä syntyä. I shot a vacuum cleaner becouse i have perfect abs

23.06.2010 01:35

<Vani||a_> i shot a vacuumcleaner because i'm sexy

22.06.2010 00:44

<Captain R> I need a jew, beacause I was horny

21.06.2010 16:20

<jesbeti> I need a prostitute, because I'm sexy

20.06.2010 02:23

<Dcdude> I took a crap on a drunk Mexican because I'm racist.

20.06.2010 01:26

<oddomaani> i ran naked with santa claus becaus that's what I'm

13.06.2010 05:24

<Zarta> I Need A bowl of cereal because I stink :O

08.06.2010 12:52

<Diles> I need a dildo because I'm sexy.

04.06.2010 02:30

<midnight_phobia> madonna siis

04.06.2010 02:30

<midnight_phobia> I stabbed MNadonna, because I have perfecht Abs

31.05.2010 23:34

<fliNe> I need a jew because I'm sexy.

31.05.2010 19:43

<rkode> I pissed on a lesbian because I got an orgasm. :D

31.05.2010 00:14

<Taikasana12> i did a blowjob to a drug dealer because i hate my life

30.05.2010 19:41

<YAboi420> i shot a condom because im sexxxy

30.05.2010 05:28

<Dickinson> I ran naked with a dildo cos i stink

29.05.2010 23:46

<Henkku_> I need a lesbian because i smoked crack

26.05.2010 18:08

<juttamednea> I fucked a robot because im sexy :_)

26.05.2010 16:50

<VajaaMieli> I shot Michael Jackson because im racist. HAHAHAHHAAAA

26.05.2010 15:53

<Mimeth> I pissed on a dildo because i'm sexy. :)

26.05.2010 01:33

<MrBarcode> I hate an egg because I'm sexy.

25.05.2010 21:06

<The Reaver> I stabbed a dildo because i smoked crack

25.05.2010 20:03

<Janski1985> I fucked a prostitute bacause i am sexy

25.05.2010 16:43

<Karza1989> I took a crap on a fat guy because I'm racist

25.05.2010 14:06

<elliw_> I killed a jew because i stink :/

25.05.2010 11:09

<DJamppa> I did a blowjob to Madonna becaude I hate my life.

25.05.2010 11:03

<HeavenShallBurn> i smoked weed with a fat guy becouse i'm sexy

25.05.2010 08:13

<FIXSON69> I need a prostitute because i have perfect abs... hehh mistä tuo tiesikin?

25.05.2010 00:27

<maaperi> I made a blowjob to a clown because thats what i am <3

25.05.2010 00:14

<Minya> I smoked weed with a monkey because I'm sexy.

24.05.2010 22:06

<Damaskox> I smoked weed with an egg, because I'm sexy.

24.05.2010 20:13

<Lemön> I hate a puppet, because I hate my life

24.05.2010 18:14

<pauliboy> i hate a condom because i was horny <-- true, true

24.05.2010 17:59

<Trophyp> I Killed Santa Claus because i'm sexy

24.05.2010 17:44

<vilzakilla> I pissed on george bush because i stink

24.05.2010 16:00

<tukechu> i need an egg because im sexy

24.05.2010 15:39

<pusseeh> I took a crap on a travesty because i smoked crack

24.05.2010 15:16

<telepist> I pissed on a black guy, because I stink.

24.05.2010 13:37

<Kuolontuoja> I fucked a lesbian because i'm sexy

24.05.2010 12:45

<zanza> I need Barney the dinosaur because I'm sexy.

24.05.2010 09:53

<Mirkko> i smoked weed with drung dealer because istink

24.05.2010 02:47

<Dcdude> I took a crap on A drunk Mexican because I'm sexy.

23.05.2010 23:31

<Pekka Routalempi2> i smoked weed with a drunk Mexican because that's what I'm

23.05.2010 22:00

<phoup14712> i took crap on your grandmother because i'm sexy

23.05.2010 20:53

<Aunus8> I got married with Michael Jackson because I hate my life.uhh.. no en nyt niin paljon inhoa elämääni..

23.05.2010 20:51

<Teena> I pissed on Michael Jackson because I'm gay

23.05.2010 20:12

<RealBros> I killed a drug dealer because I'm sexy.

23.05.2010 20:05

<DreamLegend> I pissed on a dog because i'm sexy :I.

23.05.2010 18:48

<kansleri1> I smoked weed with a nazi because I'm racist.

23.05.2010 17:59

<Niggafromdahuuds> I fucked a dildo because I have perfect abs

23.05.2010 16:00

<munnikki> I did a blowjob to a lesbian because I smoked crack.. ei mee mullakaan hyvin.

23.05.2010 13:37

<amarillo> i got married with a dog because i stink :(

23.05.2010 12:30

<marije> I got married with a black guy because my friends told me to do it..

23.05.2010 11:38

<soldat> I stabbed George Bush because i'm sexy

23.05.2010 10:51

<pdz> i took a crap on madonna because i smoked crack

23.05.2010 10:33

<Sa-ku> i shot a prostitute because thats what i am..

23.05.2010 10:18

<Kim Jong-un> I moked weed with a porn star bacause that's what I'm

22.05.2010 22:01

<DasTerttu> I ran naked with a porn star because i was horny

22.05.2010 21:57

<Stressierkki> I fucked a robot because that's what I'm

22.05.2010 21:45

<vichy> I hate a condom because I'm ugly :)

22.05.2010 20:18

<Mimoya> I took a crap on a black guy because I'm single

22.05.2010 20:00

<ernesti^> I got married with a dildo because I hate my life..

22.05.2010 19:55

<Tirro> I hate a monkey because i'm ugly

22.05.2010 19:28

<Jortikka69> I ran naked with a jew because that's what I'm

22.05.2010 15:30

<Kamelinvarvas> I hate a bowl of cereal because that's what I'm. Selvä.

22.05.2010 15:08

<Neji> I took a crap on a pornstar because I smoked crack. :DDDD

22.05.2010 13:07

<Ellien> I did a blowjob to michael jackson because i hate my life

22.05.2010 11:55

<Vargheim> I hate a jew because im sexy

22.05.2010 11:18

<Notha> i fucked a piece of shit because i'm sexyyyy

22.05.2010 01:11

<ePathy x> i got married with a dildo becouse thats what i am...

21.05.2010 23:48

<opmek> I smoked weed with Madonna bcos I stink

21.05.2010 22:39

<antharax> I fucked a jew, because i have perfect abs

21.05.2010 22:25

<SummerMän> I did a blowjob to a drug dealer, because I'm sexy :S

21.05.2010 21:30

<nikkeli23> i hate black guy because i was horny*

21.05.2010 21:29

<nikkeli23> i hate a black because i was horny

21.05.2010 20:54

<Kuivahko> I did a blowjob to michael jackson because i'm gay. Auts :s

21.05.2010 20:42

<KenzEEi> i smoked weed with a drug dealer because i'm sexy

21.05.2010 20:22

<pulunen2> Tyttöystävälle tuli: "I got married with a piece of shit because my friends told me to do it". Ei vaikuta lupaavalta meidän suhde :S

21.05.2010 18:46

<Yormakka> I got married with a nazi because I'm sexy

21.05.2010 18:40

<ana89> I need a lesbian because I'm sexy

21.05.2010 15:12

<r_rafa141> I did a blowjob to a condom because I'm sexy.

21.05.2010 12:06

<Tepo> I stabbed a jew because that's what i'm.

21.05.2010 11:09

<RockingRockRocker> I killed Michael Jackson because I'm sexy

21.05.2010 10:49

<kurpa> i fucked madonna because i hate my life :D

21.05.2010 09:05

<xylitol> I married a jew because I'm sexy.

21.05.2010 09:05

<boragas> I hate a nazi because I have perfect abs.

21.05.2010 00:48

<jake666> i pissed on monkey because i'm sexy

21.05.2010 00:02

<turunen45> I Did a blowjob to a condom because i was high on crack!

20.05.2010 23:47

<iigee> I killed Michael Jackson because I'm gay

20.05.2010 22:46

<naikhou> I ran naked with your grandmother because Im sexy

20.05.2010 22:40

<ZebraH> I smoked weed with your mom because i'm sexy

20.05.2010 21:20

<Souris> I killed an old man, because that´s what I´m

20.05.2010 20:38

<Axion> I hate a nazi because i smoked crack

20.05.2010 20:17

<Juppee> I fucked a dog because i have perfect abs

20.05.2010 20:05

<Cornuvom> i pissed on a puppet because im sexy

20.05.2010 19:44

<PLA-> I need a black guy because my frineds told me to do it.

20.05.2010 19:43

<Fekes> I killed a piece of shit because I have perfect abs

20.05.2010 19:27

<Kreivi Krapula> I took a crap on cookie jar because I'm sexy

20.05.2010 19:04

<Hopit95> I killed an old man because I'm sexy!

20.05.2010 18:43

<tosinuija> i shot a porn star because i'm sexy

20.05.2010 18:30

<lensman> i pissed on a pornstar because i was horny

20.05.2010 18:29

<-Tealc-> I fucked Michael Jackson, because my friend told me to do so

20.05.2010 18:11

<henkkasa> i shot your grandmother, because that's what i am

20.05.2010 16:36

<Hehpupa> I pissed your mom because i'm sexy ;DD

20.05.2010 16:14

<raisariemu> I fucked a porn star because i was horny

20.05.2010 15:09

<^Umbrella^> I pissed on Michael Jackson Because I'm sexy

20.05.2010 14:09

<Jezpe^> I did a blow job to a clown because i stink.

20.05.2010 13:39

<Uncle-Benz> I took a crap on a cookie jar because i hate my life.

20.05.2010 10:53

<Burk> hihukihei on mun samis :)

20.05.2010 10:52

<Burk> I took a crap on a monkey, because i'm sexy

20.05.2010 10:34

<Hegehh> I need a monkey becouse I'm sexy.

20.05.2010 09:03

<[paapo]> Tarvitsen pornotähden, koska olin kiimainen?

20.05.2010 07:30

<ArMo> nyt kun kaikki on päässy sanomaan et kukaan ei lue näit niin oon itseasiassa lukenu aikamontakin... kertoo mun elämästä.. nukkumaan--->

20.05.2010 03:23

<razorplade> I killed a jew because I have perfect abs.

20.05.2010 01:59

<Mosse_> i took a crap on a jew because im sexy

20.05.2010 01:25

<MautoN> I smoked weed with your mom because I hate my life

20.05.2010 00:37

<cindyy> I need a prostitute because I have perfect abs

20.05.2010 00:17

<MacroNencer> I pissed on a porn star because I'm sexy.

19.05.2010 23:48

<Lörpäke> I fucked George Bush because I hate my life xD

19.05.2010 23:41

<Cikoria> I hate George Bush because I´m single...

19.05.2010 23:16

<Relixa> i smoked weed with a dildo because im sexy...

19.05.2010 23:03

<Iron_Maiden> i stabbed a horse because i'm sexy

19.05.2010 22:53

<Ahdom> I pissed on an egg because I hate my life. <-- niin totta : D

19.05.2010 22:51

<JorgeJompula> I need a drunk mexican because I'm sexy.

19.05.2010 22:50

<kettukoira> I need a dildo 'cause I'm a racist

19.05.2010 22:25

<AABB> "I fucked your grandmother because i hate my life (nice)" tää oli kyl paras :D:D. Itellä oli vain Iran naked with A black guy because I'm gay. No jotakin sentään :D...

19.05.2010 22:13

<-apaani-> i fucked a robot because i'm sexy

19.05.2010 22:10

<nannahalex> Panin kortsua koska olin kiimanen

19.05.2010 22:09

<T0weRiz> i stabbed a black guy beacose that´s what i am

19.05.2010 21:56

<Nikotiini> I shot a pornstar becouce I'm sexy :D

19.05.2010 21:45

<WWhii> I fucked your grandmother because i hate my life (nice)

19.05.2010 21:41

<KillerBanda> I hate a condom because that's what im

19.05.2010 21:32

<Morrimani> I need a travesty because I'm sexy

19.05.2010 21:21

<opossumih> i hate a cookie jar becouse i smoked crack

19.05.2010 21:17

<lolcat> i took a crap on a prostitute cuz thats what i am

19.05.2010 21:15

<SPARTAA> l pissed on a bowl of cereal because lm sexy

19.05.2010 21:13

<Unbelievable_Animal> nasqad olemme samanlaisia

19.05.2010 21:12

<Unbelievable_Animal> I shot your mom because I'm sexy

19.05.2010 20:39

<okapiru> i pissed on madonna because that's what i am

19.05.2010 20:24

<Debres> i stabbed madonna becouse i'm sexy

19.05.2010 19:51

<horppa> i did a blowjob to a horse because i was horny... nannaa se hevosen mälli, ja tuntu niin hyvältä pereseessä!! EIKu!!

19.05.2010 19:50

<nivamas> I fucked Michael Jackson because I'm sexy.

19.05.2010 19:39

<lordipipari> I hate George Bush because i smoked crack :D

19.05.2010 19:35

<Jake-> I.....AM.....C-C-CO-COMBOBREAKER

19.05.2010 19:34

<kitchel> I got married with a dog because that´s what I am

19.05.2010 19:06

<DeWorD> i killed a robot because i hate my life :=)

19.05.2010 19:05

<Mjozo> I shot a prostitute because i'm sexy :D

19.05.2010 18:44

<nakkipatukka> i killed micael jackson because i hate my life

19.05.2010 18:17

<taalasmaakin69> I fucked a cookie jar becauce I'm sexy

19.05.2010 18:11

<Flibo> I took a crap on a fat guy because I stink

19.05.2010 17:59

<Kiapperi> Paskoin äitisi päälle koska olen seksikäs

19.05.2010 17:57

<Birdassasin> i took a crap on a drug dealer because i'm racist

19.05.2010 17:51

<rrjonnny> i pissed on Barney the dinosaur because that's what i am

19.05.2010 17:37

<Kairh> I did a blowhob to a piece of shit because I'm sexy

19.05.2010 17:25

<mrZecelius> i killed a bowl of cereal becouse i'm sexy :)

19.05.2010 17:18

<maikkimaatuska> I hate a horse because I was horny. ...?!

19.05.2010 17:18

<FSamei> I shot monkey because i'm sexyyyh nah...

19.05.2010 17:13

<Ylkkä> I shot a porn star because i have perfect abs

19.05.2010 17:10

<sco> I smoked weed with A porn star because I´m sexy.

19.05.2010 17:04

<Ilives> I took a crap on a prostitute Because I have perfevt abs!

19.05.2010 16:58

<SomeT> I need your grandmother because im sexy... ?!?!?

19.05.2010 16:52

<wöltti> I smoked weed with a travesty because that's what I am.

19.05.2010 16:40

<dumbass_> I pissed on a a drunk Mexican because I'm racist o/

19.05.2010 16:30

<JuiCe88> i fucked michael jackson because i'm sexy.. wait.. FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU

19.05.2010 16:28

<lolo> i fucked a nazi because i'm a racist

19.05.2010 16:14

<Tilla> I fucked a dildo because i'm sexy

19.05.2010 16:06

<HuggyHare> I got married with a horse because I have perfect abs :D

19.05.2010 15:57

<NekromanticBaby> I ran naked with a piece of shit because I'n single

19.05.2010 15:51

<Dr_Evil> I did a blowjob to Your Mom because that's what i'm =DDDD

19.05.2010 15:50

<ODS> I pissed on a lesbian because I have perfect abs

19.05.2010 15:48

<Kambell1> I did a blowjob to your grandmother because i stink

19.05.2010 15:39

<gif> I pissed on Santa Claus because I'm sexy...?

19.05.2010 15:37

<Smirrekettu> I fucked a porn star because Im sexy.

19.05.2010 15:13

<Rikiboi> I did a blowjob to an egg because my friends told me to do it.

19.05.2010 14:59

<Graphic> I smoked weed with a horse because im sexy

19.05.2010 14:58

<Reple> I stabbed a robot because I have perfect abs

19.05.2010 14:55

<zoulezzz> i ran naked with a dog because im sexy

19.05.2010 14:47

<xlol> I killed a black guy because that's what i'm

19.05.2010 14:45

<Kivilae> I pissed on your mom because im sexy

19.05.2010 14:40

<sementti> i got married with a prostitute because i smoked crack

19.05.2010 14:34

<sepster> ''I hate a prostitute because I have perfect abs'' lol oliski :D

19.05.2010 14:34

<John Frusciante> I smoked weed with a dildo because I'm sexy :o

19.05.2010 14:29

<falkk> I got married with a prostitute because I'm racist

19.05.2010 14:28

<xhappox> i stabbed a piece of shit because i am racist

19.05.2010 14:23

<Nahkakuutio> i fucked a dog because i'm sexy

19.05.2010 14:19

<J_Siltavuori> I did a blowjob to a bowl of cereal because i have perfect abs :O

19.05.2010 13:43

<Toede> I fucked a dog because i was horny... Yea right

19.05.2010 13:26

<Murmelo> I ran naked with a porn star because I hate my life.

19.05.2010 13:07

<Mikazaa> I killed your mom cos I was horny

19.05.2010 12:57

<Isuel> I fucked a piece of shit because I'm sexy. Wat?

19.05.2010 12:39

<vohweli> i ran naked with a natzi because im sexy

19.05.2010 12:10

<arsenaali> I pissed on a drug dealer because iI was horny

19.05.2010 12:09

<larpake> i stabbed your grandmother because im sexy :D

19.05.2010 11:50

<Eepi8d> I killed a pornstar because I'm sexy

19.05.2010 11:44

<HaveToFap> i need a prostitute because i'm sexy :D

19.05.2010 11:37

<Tyykoo84> I did a blowjob to a dog because i'm sexy.

19.05.2010 11:25

<[Mamelukki]> i got married with a lesbian because i stink

19.05.2010 11:02

<Monk3y> I smoked weed with a dog because i stink

19.05.2010 11:00

<Lycantrophy> I need a bowl of cereal because I'm sexy :O

19.05.2010 10:58

<Krapo> I pissed on Michael Jackson because I'm sexy.

19.05.2010 10:27

<sami23> I smoked weed with a piece of shit because i hate my life

19.05.2010 09:58

<Dauble> i shot a porn star because i was horny

19.05.2010 09:48

<prOdium> I killed a jew because I have perfect abs

19.05.2010 09:25

<Victor> I fucked a dog because I'm sexy

19.05.2010 09:11

<Karzos> I ran naked with an egg because i'm sexy. :d

19.05.2010 09:03

<fflassi> I pissed on a robot because I have perfect abs

19.05.2010 08:57

<toxxfd> Ï pissed on Santa Claus because thats what I'm

19.05.2010 08:40

<onni_manni> I smoked weed with a condom because I stink. WTF?!?

19.05.2010 07:44

<MrAwezum> I smoked weed with George bush because I smoked crack :D:D

19.05.2010 07:13

<aloha snackbar> I shot an old man because I'm sexy ;)

19.05.2010 06:50

<4c1D> I smoked weed with a black guy because i'm sexy ;)

19.05.2010 04:39

<Brutal-Legend> i pissed of a nazi because i stink :D

19.05.2010 04:20

<AgentSmith> I got married with a nazi because i'm racist.

19.05.2010 03:52

<Murobanaani> I killed a lesbian because I have perfect abs. 8D

19.05.2010 02:08

<lippen> I killed a vacuum cleaner because I'm sexy

19.05.2010 01:59

<Kirigiri> I shot a black guy because I smoked crack.

19.05.2010 01:22

<Galantti> I smoked weed with A drunk Mexican Because i smoked crack, no just.

19.05.2010 01:17

<Jusba--> I stabbed a fat guy because i smoked crack

19.05.2010 01:12

<Hra Alikersantti> I pissed on a black guy because that's what i'm

19.05.2010 00:47

<ace-> i hate a dildo because I have perfect abs.

19.05.2010 00:39

<lofty> Aika hyvin meni :D I stabbed a black guy because I'm racist :D

19.05.2010 00:33

<Thewindcutter> i pissed on a fat guy because im sexy

19.05.2010 00:25

<SieniTirehtööri> I got married with a porn star because I smoked crack

19.05.2010 00:24

<randomtatti> I got married with a lesbian because I stink.

19.05.2010 00:23

<kalsari12> I pissed on an egg because i'm sexy

19.05.2010 00:21

<Stealt> I pissed on Barney the Dinosaur because i stink

19.05.2010 00:15

<dwenner> I hate a piece of shit because i'm gay

19.05.2010 00:11

<area69> i stabbed a prostitute because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 23:56

<Jaatusklompa> i pissed on a robot because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 23:53

<Antonte> I ran naked with George Bush because I'm racist.

18.05.2010 23:47

<Shuveler> I stabbed a clown because i stink.

18.05.2010 23:41

<DaBeatPumper> I smoked weed with a fat guy because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 23:35

<Whitesnake3> i killed a horse because that's what i am

18.05.2010 23:34

<boar> I broke your combo because I can

18.05.2010 23:32

<Inzaginho> I stabbed an egg because i'm sexy xD

18.05.2010 23:32

<mölliluumum> I killed a horse because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 23:30

<Therquanto> I fucked a vacuum cleaner because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 23:24

<imukala> I shot an egg because i smoked crack.

18.05.2010 23:23

<RUMBA> I pissed on a cookie jar because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 23:20

<Marks> I stabbed a black guy because I hate my life.

18.05.2010 23:18

<N1NJA> i fucked a travesty because i hate my life

18.05.2010 23:13

<Pönssi> I killed a dildo because I was horny.

18.05.2010 23:04

<jofaception> I took a crap on a nazi because I'm sexy. :D

18.05.2010 22:59

<areii> I got married with a piece of shit, because I was horny.

18.05.2010 22:54

<raasap> I killed a puppet because I stink :((

18.05.2010 22:52

<Qu4d> I fucked Madonna because I stink

18.05.2010 22:49

<suomip> I shot Santa Claus becose I smoked crack

18.05.2010 22:45

<Ennniii> i smoked weed with a cookie jar because i hate my life

18.05.2010 22:44

<sairaus> I did a blow job to Michael Jackson because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 22:41

<Tetrisret> I killed a bowl of cerial because I hate my life

18.05.2010 22:40

<Lumilauta> I need Madonna becouse i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 22:39

<Yoijimbo> I Fucked a cookie jar because i'm sexy?

18.05.2010 22:34

<JuuBel1> i killed a prostitute because i'am racist.

18.05.2010 22:29

<Kaijde> I did a blow job to a pornstar because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 22:28

<Arwin> I killed a nazi because i'm sexy :)

18.05.2010 22:27

<jzh_> I stabbed a horse because i have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 22:23

<Pahkiz> I pissed on Geroge Bush Because I smoked crack

18.05.2010 22:22

<temza> I need an egg because I'm racist.

18.05.2010 22:20

<The Chosen> I pissed on a black guy because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 22:15

<Turpanen> I hate a cookie jar because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 22:14

<warko> i fuck'd your mom becuse im horny

18.05.2010 22:13

<Kyuukami> I got married with a travesty, because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 22:10

<Rosnu> I did a blowjob to a puppet because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 21:59

<Viulisti> I ran naked with a prostitute because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 21:54

<ALmightyAL> I ran naked with a lesbian because i hate my life :D

18.05.2010 21:52

<rottamiro> I hate Michael Jackson because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 21:50

<VonBasso> I need Santa Claus because I smoked crack

18.05.2010 21:50

<onzir> I smoked weed with a condom Because I hate my life

18.05.2010 21:45

<LuckBox> I shot santa claus because i am what i am

18.05.2010 21:40

<ana4> i took a shit on michael jacson becouse i hate my life

18.05.2010 21:36

<Evokki> i hate a monkey because im sexy :D

18.05.2010 21:35

<Jazkoittaja> i stabbed madonna because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 21:29

<Klapi> I killed a horse because I'm a racist.

18.05.2010 21:16

<Kellottaja> I pissed on Santa Claus because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 21:14

<Qwain> I killed a horse because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 21:14

<temm> I shot a nazi because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 21:07

<Ajel> I hate a puppet because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 21:04

<SomeGuy> I smoked weed with a horse because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 21:01

<ziikaa1> i smoked weed whit a piece of shit because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 20:57

<projaska> I took a crap on a dog because I smoked crack

18.05.2010 20:47

<Cerende> I did a blowjob to madonna because I smoked crack

18.05.2010 20:47

<Covenant> I killed a travesty because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 20:47

<Pertti_Perserousku> i stabbed a nazi because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 20:44

<jalmarzon> I ran naked with a dog because thats what i am

18.05.2010 20:44

<Solidmex> I stabbed and old man because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 20:41

<dixie> I need an egg because I'm racist

18.05.2010 20:40

<Dikwaad> I killed a robot because I have perfect abs........

18.05.2010 20:39

<argh88> I hate Santa Claus because I have perfect Abs!

18.05.2010 20:38

<Tuntematon> eisullekuulu: mullapa oli sama.

18.05.2010 20:37

<Örssi> I hate an old man because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 20:37

<asimov> I need a clown because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 20:36

<Larry the Chef> I stabbed a monkey because i am sexy.

18.05.2010 20:36

<Herokka> i smoked weed with madonna because iam sexy

18.05.2010 20:33

<Unikeko> I stabbed a drug dealer because i hate my life

18.05.2010 20:31

<Darwinhuakbar> I need an egg because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 20:29

<zuke> I shot a drunk mexican because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 20:25

<Unbreackable> I shot a horse because i´m sexy.

18.05.2010 20:17

<Nannari> I killed Madonna because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 20:14

<carlraja> I ran naked with a pornstar because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 20:13

<Palloilijapallo> I killed your mom because that's what i am

18.05.2010 20:13

<Maza240> jaahas elikkä kaikki riemurasialaiset on siis joko ilman paitaa tai niillä on musta paita. fascinating

18.05.2010 20:12

<Piece> I stabbed an old man cos I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 20:09

<Misfitti> I smoked weed with a condom because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 20:09

<thearacuan> I hate Madonna because that's what I'm.

18.05.2010 20:04

<Laghitus> I got married with a jew bacause that's what i'm

18.05.2010 20:02

<ELex> I killed a dildo because i stink...just joo :rolleyes:

18.05.2010 20:00

<Dille666> I ran naked with a prostitute because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 19:59

<hammaskeijo88> I did a blowjob to george w bush because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 19:55

<Skainet> I hate a horse because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 19:51

<köpernicus> I smoked weed with michael jackson because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 19:50

<noline> I need a porn star because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 19:50

<Oodood> i shot a bowl of cereal because i'm racist

18.05.2010 19:49

<Aunty Entity> I took a crap on your grandmother because i'm sexy!

18.05.2010 19:46

<Jurzag> i shot a dog because i stink

18.05.2010 19:46

<MaZeROoN> I shot a black guy because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 19:45

<CatCat_> I stabbed an egg because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 19:44

<HAPan> I fucked an egg because I hate my life. Win.

18.05.2010 19:44

<kikkii> i did a blowjob to a horse because i smoked crak

18.05.2010 19:39

<DUCKFUCK> i smoked weed with a robot because i hate my life.

18.05.2010 19:39

<Dule> i pissed on a drunk mexican because i was horny

18.05.2010 19:39

<Paperikynttilae> I did a blow job to a travesty because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 19:39

<Templar> I shot an egg because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 19:34

<Annannannanna> I need a travesty because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 19:34

<ähteri> I smoked weed with a porn star cause im sexy! ja viel mätsääki aika hyvi :D

18.05.2010 19:30

<ville8880> i killed a drug dealer because i hate my life.

18.05.2010 19:28

<masamune85> I hate a clown because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 19:22

<Monni11> I Pissed on a Nazi because I smoked crack

18.05.2010 19:19

<Tripla_J> I need a monkey beacuse i smoked crack

18.05.2010 19:18

<sucette> I smoked weed with a prostitute because i'm racist

18.05.2010 19:08

<Kaichuki> I pissed on Barney the dinosaur because i hate my life

18.05.2010 19:07

<shakman> I pissed on Michael Jackson because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 19:07

<asdfa> i pissed on a horse because i stink 8DDDDDDDDDDDD

18.05.2010 19:06

<crazy lens> I fucked a lesbian because I got an orgasm :D

18.05.2010 19:03

<ZuckPum> I pissed on Madonna because I was horny. :D

18.05.2010 19:03

<Halinalle^> I smoke weed with vacuum cleaner, because im sexy

18.05.2010 18:57

<Bonarii> i fucked santa claus because i was horny

18.05.2010 18:57

<Jönkke> I fucked a black guy because i have perfect abs :D Okei

18.05.2010 18:57

<alibuba> I hate michael jackson because I stink

18.05.2010 18:57

<g3nuin3> i killed a monkey because im a racist!

18.05.2010 18:49

<Maggis> I stabbed a black guy because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 18:45

<tombstonee> i fucked a pornstar because that´s what i´m

18.05.2010 18:44

<pedaali> I got married with a condom because im sexy

18.05.2010 18:44

<LarunParoni> I stabbed a drug dealer because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 18:40

<4Rayden2> I hate Santa Claus because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 18:40

<-heviheimo-> i pissed on a pornstar, because that´s what i´m

18.05.2010 18:38

<3mo> I did a blowjob to Santa Claus because I'm single :I

18.05.2010 18:37

<Soppa> I killed a drunk mexican because i was horny

18.05.2010 18:36

<jusa199> I ran naked a puppet, because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 18:36

<randomdude> I fucked a porn star because I stink

18.05.2010 18:35

<Gemall> I stabbed a pornstar becuz im sexy

18.05.2010 18:35

<TRICYCLE> I hate a horse because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 18:34

<MizoB> C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-combobreaker?

18.05.2010 18:32

<No Just> I pissed on traversty because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 18:29

<jeeejee> I took a crap on a piece of shit because i stink.. >.>

18.05.2010 18:29

<SalmonSnake> I got married with Barney the Dinosaur, because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 18:28

<tikris> fo shizzle..

18.05.2010 18:28

<tikris> I fucked a prostitute because I have perfect abs...

18.05.2010 18:28

<snadius> I did a blow job to your grandmother because that's that i am

18.05.2010 18:24

<bley> I fucked a dildo because that's what I'm.

18.05.2010 18:21

<Rotten> I took a crap on your grandmother because that's what I'm.

18.05.2010 18:20

<Troomeri> I stabbed a dildo because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 18:18

<anttivihtori> I need a drug dealer cuz that's what I am.

18.05.2010 18:18

<TuBa> i smoke weed with a puppet because i hate my life

18.05.2010 18:14

<b3sg5a5z> I stabbed a drug dealer because im sexy

18.05.2010 18:12

<Samus> I did blowjob to a black guy because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 18:12

<caali> I fucked an egg because I have great abs.

18.05.2010 18:11

<kaija koo> I fucked Madonna because I was horny! :D

18.05.2010 18:10

<aemma> I did a blow job to a bowl of cereal because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 18:10

<paskajee69> I married a black guy because I was horny, naurahdin jopa.

18.05.2010 18:03

<Jönssi> I stabbed a prostitute because i'm racist

18.05.2010 18:03

<ShahRaD> I hate an egg because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 18:02

<parapo> I killed George Bush because I´m sexy

18.05.2010 18:00

<henä> I ran naked with a black guy because i smoked crack -.-

18.05.2010 17:58

<isikarhu> I smoked weed with a lesbian because that's what I'm.

18.05.2010 17:53

<Humble> I got married with a pornstar because I'm sexy. Tuo on itseasiassa aika huono kun se vois oikeasti jonkun idiootin paidan tekstinä olla.

18.05.2010 17:51

<StickyJoe> I ran naked with barney the dinosaur because i have perfect abs!

18.05.2010 17:49

<Jebem> I took a crap on Santa Claus because i stink. eikumitä?

18.05.2010 17:49

<Tonzzaz92> I took a crap on a fat guy becouse I'm sexy

18.05.2010 17:45

<Irhvin 93> I smoked weed with a horse because I``m sexy

18.05.2010 17:45

<Nahkakakkone> i need a clown because I stink

18.05.2010 17:43

<kimmothaqb> i fucked you grandmother because i have perfect abs :D

18.05.2010 17:42

<larinho> I ran naked with a prostitute because i have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 17:41

<pallomies> I did a blowjob to barney the dinosaur because i was horny

18.05.2010 17:40

<Be-attery> I need a nazi because i'm racist

18.05.2010 17:37

<lieromato> I Killed a black guy because I smoked crack! huh huh...

18.05.2010 17:34

<Aarska_> I shot an old man bacause i stink

18.05.2010 17:33

<Justyks> I ran naked with Amonkeu because I smoked crack. hm, järkeenkäypää.

18.05.2010 17:27

<lollinopo> I stabbed Michael Jackson because I hate my life

18.05.2010 17:26

<KöyhätKyykkyyn> menin naimisiin lesbon kanssa koska olen homo

18.05.2010 17:23

<Jortikka12> I got married with your Mom because I smoked crack.

18.05.2010 17:23

<Ippateh> I did a blowjob to a porn star because I stink.

18.05.2010 17:21

<erkkimies91> I got married with Barney the Dinosaur because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 17:21

<tupaqs> I stabbed a jew because i hate my life.

18.05.2010 17:21

<Asmodeus666> otin lesbolta suihin koska poltin cräkkiä

18.05.2010 17:19

<zipni> I Fucked your Grandmother because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 17:18

<KersKuppi> I smoked weed with a condom because I'm racist.

18.05.2010 17:17

<Worrell> I pissed on a monkey because I stink.

18.05.2010 17:16

<Jjoppe> i did a blow job to Michael Jackson because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 17:16

<Mizzukka> I killed a Clown because i'm racist

18.05.2010 17:16

<DjKnight> I hate a dildo because i'm sexy :D

18.05.2010 17:15

<Azumiar> I fucked a prostitute because i have perfect Abs :D

18.05.2010 17:14

<tietoisku> I need Michaeil Jackson because I stink.

18.05.2010 17:14

<Samina> I killed a nazi because i stink :D

18.05.2010 17:12

<Riisi> I smoked weed with George Bush because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 17:11

<Jaahas2> I pissed on your grandmother because i hate my life

18.05.2010 17:11

<alppu2> i shot a black guy because im racist :DDD

18.05.2010 17:11

<Reto92> I took a crap on a bowl of cereals, because I'm racist

18.05.2010 17:10

<juurdis> i killed a drug dealer because im sexy.. cool

18.05.2010 17:10

<Pichu> I pissed on a horse because I'm ugly.

18.05.2010 17:09

<penispump> I S T A B B E D M I C H A E L J A C K S O N B E C A U S E I' M R A C I S T !!!!!!!!!! PARAS KOSKA MJ ON GAY

18.05.2010 17:09

<jepice> i took a crap on a cookie jar because im sexy

18.05.2010 17:06

<MaNe93> I smoked weed with black guy, because im racist. :D:D

18.05.2010 17:05

<april7> I wrote a stupid comment because it's funny!

18.05.2010 17:04

<MechMach> I got married with a monkey i'm sexy ;P

18.05.2010 17:03

<vittee> I pissed on cookie jar because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 17:02

<Jojel> I fucked a cookie jar because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 17:02

<Jissa> I did blowjob to a condom because im sexy.

18.05.2010 17:01

<Synti> I did a blowjob to a piece of shit because I'm single

18.05.2010 17:00

<TeeGee> I smoked weed with an egg because i was horny?

18.05.2010 16:59

<Miik4> I killed an egg because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 16:59

<listoke> I did a blowjod to a lesbian because i stink

18.05.2010 16:58

<Froze> I fucked a bowl of cereal because i'm sexy!

18.05.2010 16:57

<thedemon> I did a blowjob to a robot because i have perfect abs xD

18.05.2010 16:55

<P3wn3r> I ran naked with a protitute because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 16:54

<Bötleri> i pissed on your mom because im sexy

18.05.2010 16:54

<Drunken> I got married with a condom because I'm sexy, wat?

18.05.2010 16:53

<rajumatafaka> i smoked weed with a egg because im sexy.

18.05.2010 16:53

<Rupadipuu> I need a jew because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 16:53

<SanMiqel> i smoked weed with michael jackson because im racist. :D

18.05.2010 16:50

<temekki> i took a crap on micheal jackson because i'm racist

18.05.2010 16:49

<((()))> I smoked weed with Madonna because i´m gay!!

18.05.2010 16:48

<jormajepe> I took a crap on your mom because im sexy.

18.05.2010 16:48

<Kärpele> I did a blow job to Santa Claus, because my friends told me to do it. Jos ensi jouluna ei tule PALJON lahjoja, niin johan ihmettelen. :D

18.05.2010 16:47

<juki93> I got married with a drug dealer because I smoked crack :D

18.05.2010 16:43

<corponation> I fucked a dog because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 16:35

<tsounas> Ja on perkele muutama "kommentti" ?!

18.05.2010 16:35

<Enthius> I pissed on Santa Claus because I'm sexy. :D

18.05.2010 16:35

<mehujuoma> I fucked george bush because im sexy

18.05.2010 16:35

<tsounas> I fucked a monkey because im sexy

18.05.2010 16:33

<Sundiving> I ran naked with a prostitute because I was horny GIGGITY GIGGITY GOO!

18.05.2010 16:33

<Lapparimania> I pissed on a dog because I stink

18.05.2010 16:33

<JarDe> I pissed on a horse because I'm horny

18.05.2010 16:33

<Toht Ori> I need a piece of shit because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 16:33

<Jmppaaa> i killed a piece of shit because thats what i am

18.05.2010 16:32

<Prview14> I need a bowl of cereal because i hate my life.

18.05.2010 16:32

<Toht Ori> Kaikki saa tyydytystä kirjoittamalla oman lauseensa satojen joukkoon, vaikkei kukaan niitä lue

18.05.2010 16:32

<Udwee> I pissed on a condom because I smoked crack

18.05.2010 16:32

<Massimoi^^> I ran naked with a nazi because i have perfect abs. ^^

18.05.2010 16:31

<ArjenSankari> I need a drunk Mexican because that's what I'm in

18.05.2010 16:31

<js_83> I killed Santa Claus because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 16:31

<_Katulobotomia_> i killed a condom because i´m single

18.05.2010 16:30

<Nacke> I pissed on a vacuum cleaner because that's what I'm.

18.05.2010 16:29

<n00bi> I did a blowjob to a piece of shit because I hate my life....

18.05.2010 16:29

<Robotti> I hate a drunk mexican, becouse I was horny

18.05.2010 16:26

<Kitty_Kat> I killed a porn star because I'm sexy <3

18.05.2010 16:26

<pasikuikka> I pissed on a fat guy because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 16:26

<jussim90> I smoked weed with a black guy because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 16:22

<tannikki> I fucked a puppet because I´m sexy

18.05.2010 16:22

<miikass> I ran naked with a robot because i hate my life

18.05.2010 16:21

<Downing> I stabbed your mom becouse i hate my life

18.05.2010 16:20

<^Jorska^> I killed George Bush because I'm sexy :D

18.05.2010 16:20

<slXck> I smoked weed with an egg because im sexy

18.05.2010 16:20

<eskozki903> I killed a dildo because i was horny

18.05.2010 16:17

<tulinehullu> i smoked weed with santa claus cause i am sexy

18.05.2010 16:17

<juoppoeki> I got married fit a drug dealer because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 16:16

<dd1> I ran naked with George Bush because I'm racist

18.05.2010 16:15

<Garbanzo> Ahh, nyt olis täydellinen combobreakerin paikka. Mutta en uskalla.

18.05.2010 16:15

<mulkkupaavo> I pissed on a prostitute because i have perfect abs. näin on käynyt ja teston sixpäkki on rautaa!!!

18.05.2010 16:14

<Yrttipannu> I stabbed a black guy because that's what I am

18.05.2010 16:13

<Cuibar> Madonna took crap on a jew because im sexy

18.05.2010 16:13

<Juicio> I ran naked with Barney the Dinosaur, because that's what I'm.

18.05.2010 16:13

<nakkimunkki> i shot an egg because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 16:10

<SupaKillah666> I ran naked with michael jackson because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 16:10

<stungun> I need a piece of shit because i have perfect abs :D:D

18.05.2010 16:10

<atrik0> I killed a piece of shit because i'm racist

18.05.2010 16:09

<Skorppa02> I killed Barney the Dinosaur because my friends told me to do it

18.05.2010 16:08

<ice-fox> i fucked your mom because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 16:07

<Dyydy> I need your mom because I am sexy.

18.05.2010 16:07

<s3ppo> I pissed on a nazi because thats what i am

18.05.2010 16:07

<Tha T> I shot Santa Claus because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 16:07

<DraX> i smoked weed with a dildo because that's what i'm about

18.05.2010 16:07

<Beelzebob> I hate a puppet because I'm sexy...

18.05.2010 16:07

<dippi> I stabbed a monkey because i'm sexy ;)

18.05.2010 16:06

<Ryhno007> I killed a black guy because Im racist

18.05.2010 16:05

<hihukihei> I took a crap on a monkey because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 16:05

<^^MadMan^^> A777E nyt rupes muuten pelottamaan :D

18.05.2010 16:05

<ugauga-apina> I stabbed Madonna because I smoked crack.

18.05.2010 16:04

<^^MadMan^^> I did a blowjob to a robot Because im sezy

18.05.2010 16:04

<A777E> i did a blowjob to robot cause i am sexy (y)

18.05.2010 16:04

<Metabolic> I am the coolest person in the world.

18.05.2010 16:04

<mutaa> i got married with a bowl of cereal because i'm sexy! whattaa :D:D

18.05.2010 16:03

<Quokka> I got married with MJ because I hate my life.

18.05.2010 16:03

<MesCaliNe> I pissed on Madonna Because that's what i am

18.05.2010 16:02

<masterson> i killed a horse because i stink

18.05.2010 16:00

<Jormaukko> I killed a dildo because I'm a racist

18.05.2010 16:00

<Aaveratsastaja> I need A cookie jar Because I'm rasist.

18.05.2010 16:00

<Nägä> I killed prostitute because I stink

18.05.2010 16:00

<Nika-> I ran naked with a jew, because i hate my life. v1sk1n kanssa iha samiksii! wou!

18.05.2010 16:00

<valtakunta> I ran naked with a robot because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 16:00

<Sli> I killed a bowl of cereal because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 15:59

<Jullle> I took a crap on barney the dinosaur because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:59

<Hassakka> I need a condom because i hate my life

18.05.2010 15:59

<Son!c> i ran naked with a dog because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:58

<Dralnu22> I ran naked with an egg because i was horny

18.05.2010 15:57

<Sammy 46> I need a tavesty 'cause i'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:56

<tamoni> I pissed on your grandmother because that's what i am

18.05.2010 15:56

<ecuz> i pissed on santa claus because im sexy :DD

18.05.2010 15:55

<Monica> I ran naked with your grandmother because I´m sexy

18.05.2010 15:54

<Perslenkki> I stabbed A Jew Because I am Sexy ;D

18.05.2010 15:54

<caives> i need a condom because i hate my life

18.05.2010 15:53

<tripet> i stabbed a prostitute because i was horny

18.05.2010 15:53

<Ahterix> I killed a drunk mexican because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:52

<karkkiautomaatti> I pissed on a drug dealer because I stink :D

18.05.2010 15:51

<v1sk1> I ran naked with a jew, because I hate my life

18.05.2010 15:51

<Sauzh> i did a blowjob to Michael Jackson because i'm racist

18.05.2010 15:50

<xeliff> I stabbed a nazi because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 15:50

<Höse> I shot A dog because I'm gay. :D siis iloinen

18.05.2010 15:49

<Ho86> I stabbed a fat guy because I was horny

18.05.2010 15:49

<löllzu> I stabbed a lesbian because i have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 15:49

<Ampuhaukka> killed a drug dealer because im sexy.

18.05.2010 15:48

<l4t3k5i> I need a piece of shit. Because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:47

<makedius> I shot a black guy because I got an orgasm

18.05.2010 15:46

<MUNMO> I need a drug dealer because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:46

<peksi29> I fucked Santa Claus because i´m racist

18.05.2010 15:45

<taikuri74> I killed a black guy because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 15:44

<tixpro> I fucked a prostitute because i was horny

18.05.2010 15:43

<Medx> I need a puppet because I stink.

18.05.2010 15:43

<Lepr4kon> I fucked a drug dealer becouse I hate my life

18.05.2010 15:43

<maiia> I ran naked with a condom because thats what I'm

18.05.2010 15:42

<Kazakh> I killed a clown, because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 15:42

<nyrha> i pissed on a fat guy because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:42

<Nnton> i need a puppet because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:42

<eliza> I got married with a horse because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 15:41

<aGan> i shot a monkey beacaus im racist

18.05.2010 15:41

<johny-boy> I got married with a horse because I was horny :D

18.05.2010 15:39

<ArMo> i pissed on a Jew because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 15:39

<Gooby pls> Vittu on hauskaa

18.05.2010 15:38

<_Kyrpäjooseppi_> I stabbed A clown Because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 15:37

<Hoof> I Ran naked with a peace of shit becouse i smoked crack

18.05.2010 15:37

<Wlado> i pissed on a dildo cos i have perfect abs:D

18.05.2010 15:36

<JD6992> I shot your grandmother because i was horny

18.05.2010 15:35

<Tasselhoff88> I took a crap on a jew because I'm racist

18.05.2010 15:35

<fluud> I hate a dildo because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 15:34

<Ketku> I stabbed George Bush because I'm racist

18.05.2010 15:33

<Tmmy> I shot a piece of shit becouse im a racist

18.05.2010 15:33

<Sumppa]> I shot Your grandmother Because my friend told me to do it

18.05.2010 15:32

<Jurgan> I took a crap on a horse because i have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 15:30

<pesperi> i hate a black guy because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 15:28

<Menrorr> I got married with a nazi because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:28

<^J0NI^> I fucked your mom because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:27

<iFail> i got married with a dildo because i'm racist

18.05.2010 15:26

<Gogosin> I took a crap on An old man Because im sexy.

18.05.2010 15:26

<EzeSkinn> i got married with a condom because that's what i'm :D

18.05.2010 15:24

<Duumipeke> I shot your mom because that's what I'm.

18.05.2010 15:24

<venkslaaja> i shot madonna because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 15:23

<Pyyn0> i killed a black guy because im sexy

18.05.2010 15:23

<santza69> i stabbed the prostitute because im sexy

18.05.2010 15:23

<deaddis> i got married with santaclaus because im single... vitun paskasti tehty

18.05.2010 15:23

<Husti> i took a crap on an old man because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 15:22

<XeL> I need Madonna because I was horny

18.05.2010 15:21

<Sweeney Todd> I shot a dildo because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 15:21

<Einari33> I smoked weed with Santa claus because I hate my life. :D jes !

18.05.2010 15:20

<-prowler-> I smoked weed with a travesty 'cos i'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:20

<GER0NIM0> I shot a condom 'cause that's who i am

18.05.2010 15:19

<uujaa> I fucked a cookie jar because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 15:18

<smuel> I pissed on a travesty bacause I'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:18

<Dace> I fucked a nazi because that's what I am.

18.05.2010 15:17

<matthew-> I did a blowjob to Santa Clause because I'm gay

18.05.2010 15:17

<HihaässäHansson> i ran naked with a dildo because i was horny :D

18.05.2010 15:16

<kalamiesnevalta-67> I hate an old man because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 15:16

<Korppu111> I killed Michael Jackson because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:15

<DanDu^> I pissed on a dog because i got an orgasm

18.05.2010 15:14

<Pummicloud> i hate a piece of shit because I´m sexy

18.05.2010 15:13

<02K4R1> i got married with a drug dealer because i was horny

18.05.2010 15:13

<Tomppiaz> I need Michael Jackson Becouse that´s what I´m. o.o

18.05.2010 15:12

<heimies2> i killed a lesbian because i have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 15:12

<Ketkutes> I need a fat guy because I hate my life.

18.05.2010 15:11

<JasonRay> I pissed on a Jew because I was horny :D

18.05.2010 15:11

<Zenn> i killed a drug dealer because i'm sexy ^^

18.05.2010 15:11

<TheDust> I Fucked George Bush Because I Have perfect Abs

18.05.2010 15:10

<kermakakka> I fucked a puppet because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 15:09

<Elukka_MM> I shot a vacuum cleaner because I was horny

18.05.2010 15:09

<Mufasa69> I shot a lesbian because I stink.

18.05.2010 15:09

<Juksu> I fucked a piece of shit because thats what i am.

18.05.2010 15:09

<ZuiQuan> I fucked a dildo because i was horny, auts?

18.05.2010 15:08

<Pederic> i pissed on a dog because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 15:08

<Maggie12> I smoked weed with a vacuum cleaner because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:08

<jmppa> I pissed on your mom because i am sexy

18.05.2010 15:07

<Jereppa3> I hate a black guy because i'm racist.

18.05.2010 15:07

<PullaPaula> I pissed on Barney the Dinosaur because I stink

18.05.2010 15:06

<Skessula> I got married with a pornstar because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:05

<DeLaHoya> i pissed on a cookie jar because im sexy ^^

18.05.2010 15:05

<antsa11> I killed your grandmother because I'm single.

18.05.2010 15:05

<gasolain> I fucked a fat guy because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:04

<lolli13> I fucked a jew because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:03

<ZoomeR-FIN> i did a blowjob to a black guy because that's what i am. :D

18.05.2010 15:02

<HakaD> i stapped a puppet because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:02

<CPT PRICE> i got married with lesbian because im sexy

18.05.2010 15:01

<mahmun> i smoked weed with your mom because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 15:01

<immafish_YO> i killed the porn star coz i was horny

18.05.2010 15:00

<jonipompomponiponi> i took a crap on a puppet because im sexy :D

18.05.2010 15:00

<Ealdorman> I fucked a monkey because I was horny. ja reps :D

18.05.2010 14:59

<Loth92> I fucked your mom because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 14:58

<_kuusela_> i need a dildo becouse i´m sexy

18.05.2010 14:58

<Seppomega> I shot a dildo because im sexy

18.05.2010 14:58

<panza> I got married with a dildo because I was horny ;(

18.05.2010 14:58

<wannahack> I ran naked with A Jew Because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 14:57

<JuppeXXX> i fucked a pornstar because im sexy & i stink :DD

18.05.2010 14:57

<Peace> I smoked weed with a horse because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 14:57

<moi500> i got married with an egg,because my friend told me to do it

18.05.2010 14:57

<JuppeXXX> c-c-c-c-c-c-co-co-comob breakerr!!

18.05.2010 14:55

<Doctrinerf> I pissed on George Bush Because that's what I'm. :D

18.05.2010 14:55

<Madm00se> I shot a travesty because i hate my life

18.05.2010 14:55

<nko^^> i ran naked with George Bush becouse im sexy

18.05.2010 14:54

<Eskilmar> I hate an egg because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 14:54

<Mäyrizi> i took a crap on a prostitute because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 14:53

<suklaaporsas> I did a blowjob to a drug dealer because i smoked crack. (hmm.. aika hyvin sattuivat yksiin.. xD)

18.05.2010 14:53

<RIP> I took a crap on Barney the dinosaur becoz i smoked crack

18.05.2010 14:52

<naamiotyyppi> I killed an old man because im racist

18.05.2010 14:51

<lof> I killed your grandmother, because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 14:51

<MC_Selleri> "I did a blowjob to a clown because i'm gay" Jaa että sillälailla :DD

18.05.2010 14:51

<kaljakone> I fucked Michael Jackson because I'm racist

18.05.2010 14:51

<aCCu> i pissed on a porn star because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 14:49

<AtteDude> I fucked a horse because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 14:49

<Eki79> i fucked a puppet because I'm racist

18.05.2010 14:49

<dimitri_u> i need a prostitute because i hate my life.

18.05.2010 14:48

<HimmeeUkko> I shot a drug dealer because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 14:48

<atqo> I got married with a robot because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 14:48

<Ekezi> I killed a drug dealer because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 14:48

<Tenni> I pissed on a horse because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 14:47

<tuomass> I need a dildo because i'm single.

18.05.2010 14:47

<lepaz69> I stabbed a clown because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 14:46

<komedian> i fucked madonna because im sexy!

18.05.2010 14:45

<asdzomg> I need a drunk Mexican because i was horny :D:D

18.05.2010 14:44

<koivis> I took a crap on a piece of shit because I'm sexy. :D

18.05.2010 14:44

<jörkkah> I fucked a drug dealer because i stink

18.05.2010 14:43

<apanator> I need a prostitute because i'm sexy :D

18.05.2010 14:42

<Thorium> vitusti kommentteja joista jaksoin lukea vain ylimmän.

18.05.2010 14:40

<janezzo> I smoked weed with a prostitute because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 14:40

<elliilina> I got married with an old man because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 14:38

<vilestine> I killed your mom because I was horny

18.05.2010 14:38

<Wc-ankka> I hate an egg begause i am sexy

18.05.2010 14:36

<Monkey21> i tooked a crap on a cookie jar because im racist.

18.05.2010 14:34

<Filosofian maisteri> i got married with a pornstar because that's what I am

18.05.2010 14:32

<makow> i shot a horse because thats what I am!

18.05.2010 14:29

<Wirri> I hate a drunk mexican because i have perfect Abs.

18.05.2010 14:28

<Gizmoli> I fucked a black guy because im sexy! FUCK YEAH!

18.05.2010 14:28

<rmps> I got married with a clown because I stink

18.05.2010 14:26

<JooBro> I smoke weed with George Bush because I'm sexy <3 :)

18.05.2010 14:23

<hhannu> I ran naked with your mom because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 14:21

<kampelanmetsästäjä> Ketään ei kiinnosta because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 14:21

<ZMIGGO> i got married with a horse because i was horny

18.05.2010 14:21

<moikkis> I hate vacuum cleaner because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 14:21

<haisevasukka> i pissed on a black guy because i'm racist. wat???

18.05.2010 14:20

<jukkarasm85> I stabbed black guy because I was horny

18.05.2010 14:19

<Keijopappa> I ran naked with a lesbian because I smoked crack.

18.05.2010 14:19

<inkkuu> I got married with a prostitute because I hate my life : DDD

18.05.2010 14:19

<smauli94> i hate a dog because im sexy

18.05.2010 14:17

<Peipposka> I stabbed Madonna Because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 14:16

<PareMajava> I killed a lesbian because I'm a racist

18.05.2010 14:16

<Emmije> I fucked George Bush because I was horny. makes sense... :P

18.05.2010 14:16

<Slopoke> I fucked a pornstar because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 14:16

<palikka34> I got married with A porn star because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 14:15

<Janzka^^> I did a blowjob to your grandmother because I'm single. Wat?

18.05.2010 14:15

<laskipaa123> i shot your mum because i´m sexy

18.05.2010 14:14

<Tosei> I fucked a drunk Mexican because i was horny

18.05.2010 14:13

<markomaani> I need Madonna because I stink

18.05.2010 14:12

<PhantomLord> I fucked a piece of shit because i stink... Juu, ainakin tuon jälkeen.

18.05.2010 14:12

<titmouse> I got married with Barney the Dinosaur becouse I was horny

18.05.2010 14:09

<JoGeRi666> I hate a black guy because i'm sexy :(

18.05.2010 14:08

<leksus111> I need a black guy becouse i have perfect abs. Kind of gay.

18.05.2010 14:08

<ShowerHead> I shot a jew because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 14:08

<Hurjis> I stabbed a condom because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 14:08

<JääTee> I ran naked with a piece of shit because i stink.

18.05.2010 14:08

<qwerty65> I fucked Madonna because im sexy

18.05.2010 14:07

<diida> i stabbed a drug dealer because i m sexy

18.05.2010 14:07

<alloy159> I took a crap on a robot because i hate my life :>

18.05.2010 14:07

<Existor> I ran naked with a monkey because I'm racist.

18.05.2010 14:06

<lolobster> i took a crap on a porn star because im sexy

18.05.2010 14:06

<Jattitauski> I need a nazi because I stink

18.05.2010 14:06

<evoxia> I killed Santa Clause cause im ugly :/

18.05.2010 14:06

<89Miho> I fucked a drunk Mexican because I was horny. Hmm, makes sense.

18.05.2010 14:06

<tH-> I got married with a robot because im sexy.

18.05.2010 14:05

<tonzaa100> I Smoked weed with a horse because im sexy :DDD

18.05.2010 14:04

<Kumipaskiainen> I took a crap on a jew because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 14:04

<Synca> I pissed on a Nazi because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 14:02

<romppeli1> I shot a cookie jar because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 14:02

<DigiBoxi> I killed A drunk mexican because I was horny

18.05.2010 14:01

<Peuhkis> I hate a drunk mexican, because im sexy, yeah.

18.05.2010 14:01

<vokkeri> i stabbed jew because i hate my life

18.05.2010 14:01

<PhyreX> I did a blowjob to a porn star because I got perfect abs

18.05.2010 14:00

<Werewolfie> I need a fat guy because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 13:59

<kontaz> I did a blowjob to a cookie jar because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 13:56

<makkara2> I ran naked with a drunk mexican 'cause I was horny

18.05.2010 13:56

<Nagger> I did a blowjob to Barney the Dinosaur because I was horny, vittu ihan turha testi :(

18.05.2010 13:56

<silivasti> i got married with a dildo because i'm racist

18.05.2010 13:55

<korova_ milkbar> I pissed on a drunk mexican because i hate my life

18.05.2010 13:55

<pussihukka> i took a crap on barney the dinosaur because i hate my life

18.05.2010 13:54

<Teipp193> I pissed on prostitute because I am sexy :P

18.05.2010 13:53

<Krmp> I hate a prostitute because im ugly

18.05.2010 13:52

<Rokkikukko> i fucked a jew because im sexy

18.05.2010 13:50

<Juusano> I pissed on an old man because I was horny

18.05.2010 13:48

<DrOctavia> I fucked madonna because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 13:48

<Wuga> I shot Madonna because that's what I'm. ---So true!

18.05.2010 13:47

<Nivar> I hate Santa Claus because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 13:44

<dasser> i smoked weed with your mom because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 13:44

<_|Pete|_> I got married with a travesty because I'm racist

18.05.2010 13:44

<wazaa!> I pissed on your mom because my friends told me to do it.

18.05.2010 13:44

<oodkadii> I killed your grandmother because i smoked crack.

18.05.2010 13:43

<Arhibba> I shot your mom because I stink

18.05.2010 13:41

<Vuorinen> i smoked wee with santa claus because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 13:41

<Tatris> I took a crap on a dog because I'm racist.

18.05.2010 13:41

<derbikuski> I smoked weed with a black guy becouse I'm sexy

18.05.2010 13:34

<nikolanoob> I got married with a puppet because i have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 13:34

<Lerpsis> I fucked a horse because i'm racist

18.05.2010 13:34

<^Teme> I shot a bowl of cereal because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 13:33

<Njurmi> I stabbed a pornstar because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 13:33

<donniten> I killed a prostitute because I smoked crack.

18.05.2010 13:28

<KeksiMunchie> I get laid with a hot pornstar because i have cash.

18.05.2010 13:27

<zulez> I fucked a vacuum cleaner because I have perfect abs!

18.05.2010 13:27

<Jarski69> I need Barney The Dinosaur, because i'm sexy. :D

18.05.2010 13:25

<pesupekka> I pissed on an egg becouse i stink.

18.05.2010 13:24

<bönbön> i ran naked with an egg because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 13:20

<Nydiwiel> I got married with Barney the dinosaur because I sthink ;__;

18.05.2010 13:20

<Inkku> I smoked weed with a dog becose i'm sexy

18.05.2010 13:15

<ardduh> I killed a dildo because I have perfect abs :D

18.05.2010 13:12

<mezere> I shot a drunk mexican because I hate my life

18.05.2010 13:11

<hiihoo999> i need a nazi because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 13:10

<mundo> i stabbed a monkey because im ugly :(

18.05.2010 13:09

<ganjal0verr> I smoked weed with a prostitute because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 13:09

<GoodLoozer> I hate santa claus because i´m sexy

18.05.2010 13:09

<Bengal> I ran naked with a dog because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 13:09

<Nihiihidiio> i got married with dildo cause im sexy

18.05.2010 13:07

<kiomio> I stabbed george bush because I hate my life

18.05.2010 13:06

<Henqa> I fucked a black guy cos i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 13:06

<vemppa|> I shot a prostitute because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 13:01

<Habilu> I pissed on a black guy because I hate my life

18.05.2010 13:00

<karvatius> i stabbed your grandmother because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 12:59

<valkyr> I killed a black guy becouse i am gay. -- FFFFFUUU...

18.05.2010 12:59

<karkkiklovni> i stabbedbarney the dinosaurbecause i smoked crack

18.05.2010 12:59

<Kvlvv> I fucked a robot because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 12:57

<Lerpsa> i smoked weed with a puppet because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 12:56

<rampo93> I Pissed on madonna because is stink

18.05.2010 12:53

<Nokkos-omenasilakka> I got married with a robot because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 12:53

<Bobba> I stabbed a horse because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 12:53

<SirMaha> "i did a blowjob to your mom because i smoked crack."

18.05.2010 12:51

<oubiiwan> I took a crap on a nazi, because I hate my life

18.05.2010 12:50

<Loosh> "I killed a travesty because I have perfect abs"... huono.Mut näistä päätellen aika monella on seksikkään musta t-paita.. :D

18.05.2010 12:49

<kershaw> Ystävänpäivä = I ran naked with a horse, because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 12:46

<Thejennifer> I ran naked with an old man because I was horny :'DDDD EWWW

18.05.2010 12:46

<Leipäpora> I took a crap on a prostitute because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 12:46

<Code88> I need a drunk mexican because I'm sexy!

18.05.2010 12:46

<Sgt Reed> I shot a prostitute because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 12:45

<snarkko> "cptspartan I stabbed an egg because im sexy" <-Komppaan

18.05.2010 12:43

<rio> i took a crap on santa claus because my friends told me to do it.

18.05.2010 12:42

<pornstar69> I ran naked with a Jew because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 12:41

<M v p> I took a crap on A lesbian Because im sexy

18.05.2010 12:34

<Padawan> I stabbed a cookie jar because I'm ugly.

18.05.2010 12:30

<Gabria> I fucked your mom, because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 12:27

<DiscoNova> venum: kysymyshän ei ole riemurasian salaliitosta vaan yleisestä tietojen kalastelusta - postatuista kommenteista saadaan kriittisiä tietoja käyttäjistä selville, ja kun tarpeeksi monta (eri) lausetta (samalta käyttäjältä eri strategisilla tiedoilla) yhdistellään, niin kohta onkin käyttäjätili joko tähän järjestelmään (tai johonkin muuhun jossa sattuu käyttämään samaa käyttäjätunnusta) kaapattu. Eli ei muuta kuin kertomaan asioitaan tiedonkeruuroboteille. On se ikävää, että ihmiset ovat edelleen niin sinisilmäisiä näiden suhteen...

18.05.2010 12:27

<Nisesan> I hate a black guy because that's what I am.

18.05.2010 12:26

<Directi> I took a crap on an drunk mexican because im gay :D: :D

18.05.2010 12:25

<Eufemismi> I need a prostitute because I hate my life

18.05.2010 12:24

<roksa> I need a monkey because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 12:20

<zesus> I got married with a Jew Because im racist. Vähä ristiriitainen lause tuli.

18.05.2010 12:19

<Garhu> I killed a dog because that's what I am

18.05.2010 12:18

<donval11> I stabbed a drug dealer because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 12:17

<Kärkkäri> I smoked week with Madonna Because i stink

18.05.2010 12:16

<Pint> I took a crap on a piece of shit because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 12:12

<Jukurtti> I killed a prostitute because I stink

18.05.2010 12:12

<Stondes> i fucked an old man cause im sexy :DD

18.05.2010 12:11

<ööööööööööööö> I got married with a cookie jar because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 12:11


18.05.2010 12:11

<peaktop> Mitä vittua? Ei yhtään pinkkipaitaista miästä :<

18.05.2010 12:11

<Hiiri__> I stabbed a prostitute because that's what i am.

18.05.2010 12:09

<iTrap> I took a crap on a fat guy because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 12:08

<Me_From_Finland> I killed a puppet because i hate my life

18.05.2010 12:08

<Galeazzo> I fucked a travesty because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 12:08

<other> I did a blowjob to an egg because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 12:07

<nahkarinkii> I killed a clown because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 12:07

<RAINBOW-> I stabbed a pornstar because I smoked crack

18.05.2010 12:07

<Eower> i took a crap on a nazi because im sexy...

18.05.2010 12:06

<peaktop> C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-combobreaker!!!

18.05.2010 12:05

<Verset> I did a blowjob to a dog because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 12:03

<sofiesque> I took a crap on a cookie jar because that's what I'm.

18.05.2010 12:03

<humppasukka> i hate a jew because i'm sexy :/

18.05.2010 12:01

<zim0!> I fucked a porn star because that's what I'm.

18.05.2010 12:00

<Araggis> I ran naked with a clown because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 11:58

<annttiii> I took a crap on a porn star because I smoked crack <3

18.05.2010 11:58

<Tybalt> I did a blowjob to your mom because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 11:54

<frauz> i need a lesbian because i have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 11:53

<Amiraali> i fucked a porn star because im sexy

18.05.2010 11:52

<Assupoika> I stabbed a clown because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 11:50

<jolkkone> i smoked weed with a prostitute because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 11:50

<_--_> I pissed on a monkey because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 11:49

<Kartu> I got married with a drunk Mexican becuse I smoked crack.

18.05.2010 11:44

<rusinamuna> I hate a jew because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 11:43

<tonttuontoni> i took a grap on puppet because i'm so sexy

18.05.2010 11:41

<Fly> I hate a robot becouse i have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 11:40

<Baatter> aika monella musta paita tääl :D

18.05.2010 11:40

<Baatter> i fucked a clown because im sexy HAHA

18.05.2010 11:37

<sykero> I killed santa claus be cause i am single

18.05.2010 11:33

<KuuFFi> I shot Michael Jackson because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 11:30

<Tenhotar> I stabbed a cookie jar because I was horny.

18.05.2010 11:29

<arska111perkele> i pissed on a monkey because i hate my life

18.05.2010 11:27

<h4k5u> I shot your mom because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 11:25

<Jondemon> I fucked your Mom because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 11:24

<niceone> I need a robot because I was horny :(

18.05.2010 11:23

<Postal> i smoked weed a piece of shit because im sexy

18.05.2010 11:23

<Jorma6400> I did a blowjob to your Grandmother because I was horny... :)

18.05.2010 11:21

<fsda> I took a crap on a fat guy because i hate my life

18.05.2010 11:19

<DieZilla> I fucked Madonna because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 11:17

<Tefazar> I stabbed a bowl of cereal because i was horny ; (

18.05.2010 11:16

<Hulibuli> I fucked a clown because I'm racist.

18.05.2010 11:14

<L_A_G> I shot a dog because I'm sexy?

18.05.2010 11:13

<Soolo> I stabbed a prostitute because I was horny :<Onhan siinä reikiä ilmankin puukon apua.

18.05.2010 11:13

<Zenodis> i run naked whit george bush, because i smoke crak...... aika paha aika paha

18.05.2010 11:11

<Kheldaur> I ran naked with a robot because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 11:06

<Prklstna> I pissed on Madonna because i was horny

18.05.2010 11:06

<Soho> i fucked santa claus because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 11:05

<Plaz^> I killed a bowl of cereal because I´m sexy.

18.05.2010 11:02

<juntti88> I took a crap on Barney the dinosaur because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 11:01

<rage88> i killed a drunk mexican because im single

18.05.2010 11:00

<ZwZ> Slyfox! Paras! mulla aivan sama :D

18.05.2010 11:00

<Jouni_K> I smoked weed with Michael Jackson because I smoked crack.. No, tää on selvä juttu.

18.05.2010 10:59

<ZoSo> I got married with Michael Jackson because I stink

18.05.2010 10:59

<Motorbreather> I smoked weed with an egg beacause im sexy.

18.05.2010 10:54

<Puudman> I got married with a piece of shit because i'm racist

18.05.2010 10:51

<deequ-> I pissed on a drug dealer because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 10:50

<Jukka85> I ran naked with puppet, because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 10:50

<painintheass> I ran naked with a porn star because I'm sexy 9.2.92 ,,/

18.05.2010 10:50

<Epäilijä> I took a crap on a drug dealer becouse I hate my life

18.05.2010 10:49

<Mervin> I hate a black guy because i'm racist. YYYEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH

18.05.2010 10:49

<|LaQu> I nees a hors because im sexy :D

18.05.2010 10:48

<Nahras> I took a crap on a drunk Mexican because I'm a racist. Totta.

18.05.2010 10:47

<Jykke-_> I smoked weed with a fat guy because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 10:46

<zha> I stabbed a horse because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 10:44

<profiili> I did a blowjod to a condom because i hate my life

18.05.2010 10:41

<Junttilandia> I got married with a bowl of cereal, because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 10:41

<delffi> I did a blowjob to a travesty because I am sexy! (Travesty = irvikuva)... eihän tos oo mitään järkee.

18.05.2010 10:41

<JokuPelle2> I pissed on a lesbian because I have perfect abs!

18.05.2010 10:39

<Jables> I killed a dildo because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 10:38

<kooba> i need a prostitute because im single xD

18.05.2010 10:37

<lokomobilo> I took a crap on a drugdealer because that's what I am.

18.05.2010 10:35

<Lappa> I got married with a black guy because i'm racist :DD

18.05.2010 10:34

<SlyFox> I shot Michael Jackson because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 10:33

<Xez> I did a blowjob to a black guy because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 10:33

<RiKiz> i ran naked with barney the dinosaur because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 10:32

<Fledermaus> I did a blowjob to santa claus, because i stink.. -.-

18.05.2010 10:31

<cptspartan> I stabbed an egg because im sexy

18.05.2010 10:31

<lehka> I pissed on a pornstar because i'm sexy.. wtf..?

18.05.2010 10:28

<dtr> I fucked a prostitute beacause i have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 10:28

<riesa87> i smoked weed with monkey because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 10:28

<whizzman> I pissed on an old man because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 10:27

<gwennnnnn> i fucked a piece of shit because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 10:26

<Jaag3> i stabbed a drunk mexican because im single

18.05.2010 10:23

<Markqq> I got married with a porn star because I'm sexy =DD

18.05.2010 10:21

<snagi> I need your grandmother because that's what I'm.

18.05.2010 10:20

<ikezz95> i killed a vacuum cleaner becouse i was horny

18.05.2010 10:19

<Hellbilly2> I shot a robot because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 10:17

<Monte> I fucked a nazi because i`m sexy

18.05.2010 10:16

<Qsettaja> I fucked George Bush because I smoked crack.

18.05.2010 10:13

<Joosua> I Stabbed A Monkey Because I'm Racist :D

18.05.2010 10:13

<Venum> Partisaani Taas mainio kuva, jolla riemurasia saa sun syntymäajan talteen =). En mene lankaan näin helpolla. Haha juu riemurasia tietää susta nyt kaiken kun ne saa sun horoskoopin tietoon ja tietää sun menneen ja tulevan aina! Vitsi mikä salaliitto.. Go partisaani

18.05.2010 10:11

<looda> I fucked Barney the Dinosaurus because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 10:10

<Fin-> I ran naked with a pornstar because I'm sexy. Normipäivä siis.

18.05.2010 10:09

<katila88> I need an egg bacause i'm sexy

18.05.2010 10:09

<deader> i married the dog because im sexy :D

18.05.2010 10:08

<Partisaani> Taas mainio kuva, jolla Riemurasia saa sun syntymäajan talteen =). En mene lankaan näin helpolla.

18.05.2010 10:07

<Brainbow> I married Santa Claus beacause that's what i am. :DD Huolestuttavaa...

18.05.2010 10:05

<slapper> i killed drunk mexican because i stink

18.05.2010 10:01

<pqohi> I hate dildo, because i´m sexy.

18.05.2010 09:56

<keniunz> I fucked Madonna because I have perfect Abs.

18.05.2010 09:56

<Sir Nonchalant> i smoked weed with madonna because i'm single

18.05.2010 09:55

<Shalasaska> I smoked weed with an old man because I have perfect abs!

18.05.2010 09:54

<Quickdrop> I ran naked with a vacuum cleaner because i was horny.

18.05.2010 09:50

<Venum> I stabbed a monkey because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 09:49

<tsapap> I stabbed a nazi because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 09:47

<w1ndows> I stabbed barney the dinosaur because i smoked crack :D :D

18.05.2010 09:47

<velipaju88> i stabbed a prostitute because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 09:46

<ninsssku> I did a blowjob to a cookie jar because thats what I am.

18.05.2010 09:45

<ekieki> I need a pornstar because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 09:45

<Kuhveli> I shot George Bush because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 09:44

<asiamies> I killed a dildo because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 09:43

<PandaPK> I need a condom because I'm sexy :D sopii mulle

18.05.2010 09:42

<nevari-> I smoked weed with you're mom 'cause i'm sexy

18.05.2010 09:41

<Torpedo> Killisilmä täsmälleen sama!

18.05.2010 09:40

<|Reaper|> I shot a piece of shit because I'm racist

18.05.2010 09:38

<Jaappo> i need a black guy because i hate my life :D en nyt niin paljoon vihaa kummiskaa

18.05.2010 09:37

<KuppiC> I hate santa claus because thats what i'm. lol makes no sense

18.05.2010 09:36

<JeN> I smoked weed with a fat guy because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 09:35

<Excobet> hah :D "I ran naked with a porn star because I have perfect abs" normipäivä

18.05.2010 09:34

<Akoem> I pissed on a drug dealer because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 09:34

<footage> i fucked a prostitue because im sexy

18.05.2010 09:34

<airframe> I pissed on a nazi because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 09:31

<laitmar2> i fucked a dog because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 09:31

<jubatsu> I took a crap on a clown because i´m sexy.

18.05.2010 09:30

<Lepakk0> I need a pornstar because i'm stink.

18.05.2010 09:29

<dildis88> I took a crap on an old man because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 09:26

<MahtavaMarjastaja> I shot a horse because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 09:25

<Wet Willie> I ran naked with your mom because i have perfect abs (uskomatonta mutta toimii! :o )

18.05.2010 09:25

<pikkkis> I got married with a piece of shit because i got an orgasm

18.05.2010 09:20

<sane001> i pissed on a vacuum cleaner because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 09:19

<Mahi> I

18.05.2010 09:19

<katsuki> I stabbed barney the Dinosaur because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 09:19

<Zerohack> I pissed on a lesbian because i was horny

18.05.2010 09:18

<silmors> I fucked a fat guy because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 09:17

<zefaro> I smoked weed with a porn star because i am sexy

18.05.2010 09:13

<tripla69> i did a blowjob to madonna because that´s what i´m

18.05.2010 09:13

<huuhkis> i fucked a jew because i have a perfect abs.

18.05.2010 09:11

<Nitwit> I did a blowjob to a bowl of cereal because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 09:10

<kimmogee> I ran naked with a nazi because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 09:09

<Ismail> I hate Santa Claus because I'm sext.

18.05.2010 09:06

<Wacco4932> I took a crap on Michael Jackson because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 09:04

<nene31> I pissed on Madonna because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 09:03

<emil_heskey> I need a travesty beacouse I'm gay

18.05.2010 09:03

<MGRex> I fucked a drug dealer because i'm sexy. :D

18.05.2010 09:03

<Bloodster> I stabbed a lesbian beacuse i'm sexy

18.05.2010 09:01

<GranD> I got married with your mon because I stink xD

18.05.2010 09:01

<Jorkki85> I need a nazi because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 09:01

<hall of fame> i took a crap on a dildo because i was horny

18.05.2010 09:00

<apina12345> I ran naked with santa claus because i´m gay :D:D:D:D

18.05.2010 09:00

<K4R1> i need Santa Claus because im sexy

18.05.2010 08:58

<DaLaDa> I fucked a dog because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 08:57

<testo_jolle> I smoke a weed with a your grandmother because im sexy! :D :D(TÄNÄÄN SYNTTÄRIT!!!) ;)

18.05.2010 08:55

<iksoikikkaN> I killed a prostitute because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 08:55

<degeneration> I need vaccuum cleaner because that's what i'm?

18.05.2010 08:54

<pyromanni> I hate a condom because i'm gay

18.05.2010 08:52

<Qazior> I shot a black guy beacuse I stink

18.05.2010 08:47

<Juhzi> i pissed on a horse beacause that's what i'm

18.05.2010 08:46

<Kaldun> I stabbed a clown because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 08:46

<GatoGatto> i killed a piece of shit because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 08:44

<ölkjhgfds321> I need an egg because i was horny.

18.05.2010 08:44

<SarahNunes> I killed a puppet because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 08:42

<Stubbari> I fucked Michael Jackson because I was horny :D.

18.05.2010 08:41

<pena_69> I pissed on George Bush because I was horny!

18.05.2010 08:40

<Juho_58> i smoked weed with a cookie jar because im racist

18.05.2010 08:39

<JHo> I smoked weed with A condom Becouse I have perfect abs...?

18.05.2010 08:36

<beast^-^> I shot a bowl of cereal because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 08:36

<sickiwicki> I did a blowjob to a vacuum cleaner because I stink

18.05.2010 08:35

<Eggu1> I stabbed a condom because I have perfect abs!

18.05.2010 08:35

<alxx> I killed a nazi because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 08:32

<arzhi83> I got married with a bowl of cereal because i hate my life =)

18.05.2010 08:29

<Pus4> i fucked george bush because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 08:26

<karasu> I shot a bowl of cereal because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 08:25

<Deadmarsh> I shot a dog because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 08:22

<LassiLaaki> I shot a black guy because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 08:18

<Nemesixtus> I fucked a puppet because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 08:15

<Keijo-Annikki> i hate madonna because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 08:15

<loobdenoob> i ran naked with an egg because i'm horny

18.05.2010 08:12

<jes11000> I got married with an egg because i stink

18.05.2010 08:11

<YleOnPaska> VoiVitunYle!

18.05.2010 08:11

<Ahis_> i ran naked with a drunk mexican because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 08:09

<kyn15> I shot a lesbian because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 08:02

<fakero> I killed george bush because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 08:00

<eebi> i hate a robot because i hate my life...

18.05.2010 07:59

<jerestuutti> I took a crap on Barney the Dinosaur, because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 07:59

<oggosaa> i did a blowjob to a lesbian because i was horny

18.05.2010 07:58

<FluDe> i stabbed a jew because i was horny

18.05.2010 07:58

<DBH> I ran naked with a condom because I was horny

18.05.2010 07:57

<heidionice> I took a crap on a dog because I stink :

18.05.2010 07:56

<siqqe> I got married with a drunk mexican because i smoked crack

18.05.2010 07:56

<h33po> i ran naked with a condom because i'm racist.

18.05.2010 07:52

<BeeBee_> I smoked weed with your grandmother because thats what i am, synttärit tänään!

18.05.2010 07:49

<LaughterBox> I need a prostitute because I smoked crack.

18.05.2010 07:48

<Twilight> I did a blowjob to Santa Claus because i smoked crack.

18.05.2010 07:47

<n0kki> I smoked weed with a drug dealer, because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 07:45

<abcd123> I killed your mom because I'm racist.

18.05.2010 07:44

<Magzone> I smoked weed with a black guy because I hate my life.

18.05.2010 07:43

<GyRo> i shot michael jackson, because i smoked crack. 20.4 ja vihree (jack & jones)

18.05.2010 07:42

<Neverendin> I got married with a dildo because im sexy

18.05.2010 07:39

<nonjaamice> i did a blowjog on an egg because Im sexy

18.05.2010 07:38

<nuhaus> I shot a piece of shit because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 07:37

<ibrahim777> i smoke weed whit jew, because im sexy!

18.05.2010 07:34

<DOGG> I smoked weed with a jew because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 07:32

<Jacksoni> I got married with a drug dealer because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 07:25

<ParadoX> i stabbed a nazi because im sexy

18.05.2010 07:23

<Anecdote> I smoked weed with A prostitute cause i was horny

18.05.2010 07:22

<calacas> i stabbed a vacuum cleaner because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 07:20

<sipuliwelho> I ran naked with a nazi because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 07:18

<Tesnaukki> I ran naked with a travesty because I smoked crack.

18.05.2010 07:18

<punkk1> I shot a nazi because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 07:18

<Ts4n1> I stabbed michael jackson because i'm sexy.

18.05.2010 07:16

<sipli> I need a dog because im sexy!

18.05.2010 07:15

<power039> Ishot A black guy because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 07:15

<_Joker_> i got married with a piece of shit because i hate my life.

18.05.2010 07:14

<Nakkivene> I ran naked with a piece of shit because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 07:12

<GimP1980> I fucked a lesbian because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 07:10

<zysteemi> i pissed on a prostitute because im horny

18.05.2010 07:09

<roina> I stabbed Madonna because I'm single

18.05.2010 07:08

<Markka94> I fucked Santa Claus because i hate my life.

18.05.2010 07:03

<buke44> I pissed on your grandmother beacause I stink

18.05.2010 07:02

<Tanhu-Pena> I shot a nazi because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 07:00

<Juzarii> I fucked Madonna because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 06:57

<Got2bemad2behere> I ran naked with a nazi because i was horny.

18.05.2010 06:56

<bakmani> I need a Prostitute because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 06:51

<GhEt0u> i took a crap on a puppet because that's what i am

18.05.2010 06:48

<salozki> I pissed on a dog because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 06:46

<muskettisoturi> I need a piece of shit 'cause I was hungry, kielioppiki päi vittuu

18.05.2010 06:44

<Awy> Vihaan pölynimuria koska poltin crackiä..

18.05.2010 06:44

<FoxyDaFox> I hate an egg because that's what I'm

18.05.2010 06:39

<erkka1976> I got married with a condom because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 06:38

<Sleijeri> I stabbed a drug dealer because i was horny :DD

18.05.2010 06:35

<Volovomias> I shot a robot because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 06:33

<jonsson84> i ran naked with a vacuum cleaner because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 06:33

<Furbuli> i stabbed a black guy because i'm racist

18.05.2010 06:23

<nasqad> I Shot Your Mom Because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 06:18

<Jadiou> I killed a drunk Mexican because I'm sexy. :D

18.05.2010 06:10

<Munq> I ran naked with a robot because I'm sexy.

18.05.2010 06:06

<makeki> i took a crap on a bowl of cerial because im sexy

18.05.2010 05:56

<Pathfind> i smoked weed with a prostitute because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 05:56

<Inostaw> I smoked weed with a robot because I was horny

18.05.2010 05:54

<Cre4tive> I Stabbed a bowl of cereal because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 05:50

<Harhar666> I got married with your mom because I have perfect abs

18.05.2010 05:01

<_Paska_Ankka_> I shot a robot because I have perfect Abs

18.05.2010 04:59

<Sanein> I stabbed a clown because I'm gay.

18.05.2010 04:45

<ruskea> i stabbed an old man because i hate my life :D

18.05.2010 04:45

<ak1987> i ran naked with george bush because im sexy

18.05.2010 04:40

<morsi> i smoked weed with Michael Jackson because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 04:32

<Eeshe> I shot a porn star because I hate my life.

18.05.2010 04:31

<Mindy> Do I need a puppet, because usually I am sexy, horny and yes- smoked crac too?

18.05.2010 04:26

<crowbar> I shot a monkey because I have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 04:20

<SpookySP> I got married with A piece of shit Because I was horny. Aika voitto sanoisin.

18.05.2010 04:10

<Latee-> I fucked a puppet because i'm sexy

18.05.2010 03:55

<sigyn42> I ran naked with a horse because i was horny.

18.05.2010 03:49

<ogop> I got married with a monkey because im sexy.... Onko tämä voittoa?

18.05.2010 03:48

<Jaakari> i fucked your mom, becouse i have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 03:46

<merry> I got married with a lesbian, because I have perfect abs. Score!

18.05.2010 03:37

<diipsu> i killed george bush because i hate my life

18.05.2010 03:25

<Squdi> I did blowjob to a pornstar because i have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 03:21

<MoccaNinjaSensei> I need a monkey because I have perfect abs :D

18.05.2010 03:18

<K0ND4> I Fucked a porn star because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 03:14

<Daurs> I pissed on a dildo because i have perfect abs

18.05.2010 03:11

<Mowio> i shot a nazi becouse im sexy

18.05.2010 03:06

<t0n1h> I Shot A drug dealer Because I hate my life

18.05.2010 03:03

<nesfuratu> i killed a travesty because im sexy XDD

18.05.2010 03:01

<Doomcraze> I ran naked with Santa Claus because I'm sexy

18.05.2010 02:59

<Johnny Bravo> I took a crap on a robot because i have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 02:56

<Pythoni> I did a blowjob to a porn star because i have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 02:47

<Demawil> I hate a nazi because that's what i'm

18.05.2010 02:42

<papercuts> i took a crap on santa claus, because i have perfect abs.

18.05.2010 02:38

<tiasma> I Shot A black guy Because I'm sexy. :D

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