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Riemurasia on ollut tavoittamattomissa 1.2.2022 - 2.2.2022 välisen ajan päivitystöiden johdosta. Ilmoitelkaa rohkeasti sivuston ongelmista mikäli niitä tulee vastaan palautesivun kautta.
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Aika: 2011-03-15 21:03:27
if you watch riemurasia backwards, it's an internet site becoming funnier and funnier all the time.
Aika: 2011-03-15 20:58:41
If you watch lost backwards, its same as watching lost normally
Aika: 2011-03-15 21:00:29
If you watch Scarface backwards, it's about a man who gives up cocaine and crime to follow his dream of becoming a dishwasher to earn enough money so he can visit Cuba.
Aika: 2011-03-15 21:08:53
<Ismo Jay Laitela>
if you walk backwards, you cant see where are you stamping
Aika: 2011-03-15 22:38:04
If you watch memento backwards, you're watching it forwards.
Kommentit (35)
Piilota OFF-Topic keskustelu
<WoffelWolf> Hei mut godzilla on väärinpäin allizGOD eli siis jonkin lainen jumala
<EcceR> all iz dog
<teräsihminen> näkymätön godzilla kävi japanin rannikolla
<erseki> if you watch porn you see semen going back to the balls
<SpeguGuru> If you masturbate backwards, you clean your dick before masturbating.
<Salluaatti> if you watch human centipede backwards, it’s a story about a doctor who separates 3 people from eachother and two of them drives a car backwards to home
<MMaD> yhtäkkiä huomasin, että olin jo kymmenen minuutin ajan keksimässä jotain englanninkielistä lausetta joka alkaa "if you.."
<Larry the Chef> Oliko Gotzzilla syyllinen japoni maanjärjestykseen?
<soldat> If you watch The Way Back backwords, it's about a group of people who walk thousands of miles just to get to a prison camp in siberia.
<gorba> If you watch Titanic backwards, it's about a ship that raises from the ocean, hits the iceberg and then arrives in Southampton.
<Ben Dover> If you game backwards, you just lost.
<Tumx> If you watch terminator backwards, it's about a robot, growing back his skin
<possuprkl> ehheh
<TapTT> Neil, a trap! Sid is part alien!
<Pantsa56> Hydro If you rode vichyvesi's comment,Jos ratsastit vichyveden kommenttia
<Jorkki85> Even if you watch superhero movie backwards, it's still a shitty ass movie
<vltava> Katsokaapa glass-ass takaperin. Siinäpä vasta huumoria onkin...
<puusauna> päivän hauska hetki
<toukopouko^> If you watch memento backwards, you're watching it forwards.
<ville8880> If you watch holocaust backwards, it's about a man who's lifework is to get millions of jews back to life, and make everyones life better.
<rismo> Mikä tän "hassun" jutun pointti on?
<PyhäSukeltaja> Emt, repesin tälle.
<Irhvin 93> C-c-c-combobreaker!!!
<Epäilijä> If you watch porn backwards, you watch porn, backwards.
<Tuntemätön> If you read these comments, you'll notice that people here are very good at english
<henkkasa> jos syöt makaroonia takaperin niin mitä vittua?
<Moykel> kelpais varmaa japanilaisille nyt..
<peketys> If you watch lord of the rings trilogy backwards, it's about a little hobit who finds a ring deep in a volcano and walks all the rest of the trilogy back home.
<yuken> "If you rode vichyvesi's comment, you noticed that it has been written wrong" Read, read, read on taivutus. Erona sanoilla on ainoastaan ääntäminen kahden viimeisen kohdalla.
<Hydro> if you rode Vichyvesi's comment, you noticed that it has been written wrong
<total15_> all iz dog
<Ismo Jay Laitela> if you walk backwards, you cant see where are you stamping
<turpasauna> if you watch riemurasia backwards, it's an internet site becoming funnier and funnier all the time.
<Tuntemätön> If you watch Scarface backwards, it's about a man who gives up cocaine and crime to follow his dream of becoming a dishwasher to earn enough money so he can visit Cuba.
<Agni> If you watch lost backwards, its same as watching lost normally