

kido kido

Fresh prince of persia

3.9 / 5 (86 ääntä)

Fresh prince of persia

Julkaistu: 3.2.2013 15:49


Lähettäjä: kido kido

Otsikko: Fresh prince of persia

Hakusanat: fresh, prince, of, persia, will, smith,

3.9 / 5 (86 ääntä)


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Aika: 2013-02-03 16:32:42



"iiiin west babylonia born and raised..."


Aika: 2013-02-03 19:49:40



In west babylonia born and raised on the desert is where i spent most of my days chilling out, pillaging, raiding all cool and shooting some arrows outside of the school when a couple of arabs, they were up to no good, started making trouble in my persian hood, i got in one little fight and fatima got scared and said: you're moving with abdullah and kemal in persia


Aika: 2013-02-03 20:53:40



Slow ass camel yo this is bad, drinking tate wine from a leather sack,is this what the people of persia living like? Hmm this might be alright.


Aika: 2013-02-03 20:49:21



I begged and pleaded with her day after day but she packed my camel and sent me on my way. She gave me a kiss and she gave me a scimitar, i grabbed my khoran and said,'i might as well jihad!'


Kommentit (18)

Piilota OFF-Topic keskustelu

03.02.2013 20:53

<hoppe1> Slow ass camel yo this is bad, drinking tate wine from a leather sack,is this what the people of persia living like? Hmm this might be alright.

03.02.2013 20:49

<hoppe1> I begged and pleaded with her day after day but she packed my camel and sent me on my way. She gave me a kiss and she gave me a scimitar, i grabbed my khoran and said,'i might as well jihad!'

03.02.2013 20:33

<Chenn> persielainen

03.02.2013 20:32

<hoppe1> Voisko joku riimitellä jatkoa?

03.02.2013 19:49

<hoppe1> In west babylonia born and raised on the desert is where i spent most of my days chilling out, pillaging, raiding all cool and shooting some arrows outside of the school when a couple of arabs, they were up to no good, started making trouble in my persian hood, i got in one little fight and fatima got scared and said: you're moving with abdullah and kemal in persia

03.02.2013 19:48

<jipostus> Kyllä katsoisin tämän mielummin kuin sen Prince of Persia leffan, mikä oikeasti julkaistiin...

03.02.2013 18:41

<huehue> watch out we got bad ass over here

03.02.2013 18:13

<M Bison> I got in one little fight and my maman got scared and said "you're moving with your khalleh and daei in persia"

03.02.2013 17:26

<hoppe1> "On the desert is where I spent most of my days"

03.02.2013 17:09

<Dandie> Kyllä se pelisarja kaipais armotonta läpänheittoa.

03.02.2013 16:32

<Suuri-Päällikkö> "iiiin west babylonia born and raised..."

03.02.2013 16:31

<slapshot-> OG Will smith

03.02.2013 16:29

<jakelipakeli> ...and i like to take a minute just sit right thereI ll tell you how I became the prince of a town called bel Air...

03.02.2013 16:25

<Nerko-Erko> Old spice

03.02.2013 16:10

<lesbomies> yo my nigga

03.02.2013 16:09

<JOllila> Neekere 5/5

03.02.2013 16:08

<piizpå> no. This is the fresh prince of Sparta!

03.02.2013 16:08

<baarikärpänen> morgan freeman 5/5

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