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Aika: 2011-12-13 20:51:50
I used to take arrows to the knee, but then I took a bullet to the head.
Aika: 2011-12-13 21:01:03
Oon alkanu vihata skyrimiä näitten "vitsien" takia
Aika: 2011-12-14 00:01:19
My friend is out there making arrow jokes and what do I get? Guard duty.
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<KEMOPETROL> then he took an arrow to the knee
<abyxab> Arrow to the knee?
<föök> Visa Mäkinenkin tekee parempia elokuvia kuin Quentin Tarantino.
<Hardstyler> I used to disrespect the law, but then someone stole my sweetroll.
<Karumuumio> I used not to be a faggot until I made another arrow to the knee joke.
<kolibrothers> arrow to the kn....bam!
<Kylänäätä> i used to tell arrow to the knee jokes, but then someone stole my sweetroll.
<Kheldaur> Mitähän vitun paskaa taas?
<Milliame> Guard might get nervous, a man approaches with his picture drawn.
<mazaroth> Enough is enough! I've had it with these motherfucking knee jokes, on my motherfucking internet.
<[jezze]> I used to make arrow to the knee jokes, but then I stopped because it's fucking stupid and it is over used joke.
<KingDuck> 5* koska pulp fiction ja samuel l. motherfucking jackson
<kaukari> Mitä nää ihmiset selittää toi läppä on ihan perhanan huvittava. Kun oot ensin kuullut ton sanonnan miljoona kertaa pelissä ja vittuuntunut joka kerralla niin sit tajuu kui huvittavii noi oikeesti on.
<C3le> arrow to the knee
<hulluesa> I used to hear alot of these ''arrow to the knee'' jokes, but then I started playing the actual game.
<NaQu2> snanta Skyrim pelissä on joku vartija joka sanoo että hän oli seikkailija kunnes se sai nuolen jalkaan. Tämähän on siis ihan oikeasti tosi hauska juttu.
<Omenaripuli> I used to speak english, then i took an arrow to the knee
<tamus> 5* koska bf3
<Downing> Joo skyrim kärsii jokseenkin idioottien ja niiden mukamas hienojen arrow heittojen takia
<Jester Dancer> Jotenki alkaa tuntuu ihan samalle nää arrow -> knee vitsit joita on youtubeki täynnä.
<Kaltzor> I was going to say something else, then I took an arrow to the knee.
<Mikko84> Arrow to the knee again.
<voltti1> Samuel L. Jackson on hieno mies.
<ceesar> Näemmä tämä "läppä" liittyy uuten Elders Scrollsiin, mutta tarkemmin ei mitään käsitystä, joten nää jutut aiheuttaa lähinnä "meh."-reaktion. Ihmetyttää eniten se, että onko sillä uudella Elders Scrollsilla jo niin saatanasti pelaajia, että jostain tälläsestä jutusta on voinut tehä läpän :D
<Drrp> My friend is out there making arrow jokes and what do I get? Guard duty.
<airx> Melko pienisieluinen/-aivoinen saa olla jos näin mitätön juttu pistää vihaksi. Kasvakaa aikuisiksi?
<Sgt_Deadman> How about a stone up in the asshole of Timo??
<snanta> selittäkää joku arrow to the knee?
<biotrin> @Apalis - Hanki apua ennen kuin oikeasti satutat viattomia. Voi olla että pumppaat vaan internet egoasi uhoamalla, mutta saa olla aika hullu jos ei pysty olemaan lukematta toisten hokemaa vitsiä. Se on vitsi, ei kannata ottaa noin tosissaan!
<WEQU> Skyrimi on hyvä peli mutta en kaipaa skyrimiä riemurasiassa, tai ylipäätänsä missään muualla kuin skyrimissä.(tai olishan se mahtavaa jos vuonna 2012 maailmanlopun tois lohikäärmeet, sitä vois lähteä tyylillä kunnon ritallisessa kampailussa)
<H3n3> The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My arrow upon thy knee.
<viljorasia> There used to be snakes on a plane, but then they got the motherfucking snakes out of the motherfucking plane
<Viiksikarva> I tried to accept your dare, but then I took an arrow in the knee.
<Humble> I, too, used to be a black fella, but then I took an arrow in the knee.
<nelliw> i used to be adventurer like you. but then i took an arrow to the knee. :/
<jurazzta> arrow to the knee
<lmnz> Let me guess, somebody stole his sweetroll.
<Jumalanruoska> I used to like Samuel L. Jackson, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
<Kaamossaasta> Jumalauta ihmiset, tehkää itellenne jotain!! The fuck with your arrow to the...
<TheHakitser> Enough is enough i've had it with these motherfucking arrows on these motherfucking knees. Move the fuck out so lets make some space.
<naf> ei tämäkin on joku skyrim juttu. en ole pelannut, ja tuskin pelaan
<mousemat> i never asked for this
<Blacklake> Hancock: "Tell an arrow to the knee joke one more time.."
<Markkedi> I've had it with these motherfucking arrows in my motherfucking knees!
<Pyykkoe> Look at me, now back to you, now back to me. Sadly, you're not a dragonborn, but you can be one. Look down, back up. you're on a battlefield, full of arrows that could be in your knee. What's in your hand? back to yourself. it's blood. there's an arrow on your knee. Look again. Your knee is full of arrows. I'm on a Dragon.
<riekale85> samueli on tainnu saada liika monta nuolta polveensa tuosta päätellen
<kuro> i used to double dare people but then i took an arrow IN the knee
<ahmenia> En tajua mikä tää 'arrow to the knee'-juttu oikee on, mut ehkä se kertoo siitä et mulla on vielä elämä tallella...
<SupaKillah666> why am i reading this in his voice?!
<Jakkih> i used to have most thumbs then i took an arrow to the knee
<snoukka24> English motherfucker, how to speak it?
<lax> 200 tähtee perkele tälle, paskat vitsit voi lopettaa ennenku alottaa
<Tuntemätön> Oon alkanu vihata skyrimiä näitten "vitsien" takia
<Sleijeri> Skyrim paskaa.
<jakkeri12> Fine, i go find my stolen sweetroll...
<henkkasa> >---(knee)-->
<Aapokana> What?! Say what one more time!!
<SomeGuy> I used to take arrows to the knee, but then i became adventurer.
<Elksu> Does he look like an adventurer??
<AnimaLibera> Say what again!
<poserwhore> I used to take arrows to the knee, but then I took a bullet to the head.
<villekasperi> arrow to the knee bitch!
<couda> enough is enough!
<jeppejii> There's a myth if you go to the highest peak on lapland, and shout "fush ro dah!", a wild polarbear appears, and leads you to the great treasure of northpole.believe it or not.
<koripapu> Does he look like a bitch?
<Itchy-> I used to be badass like you, but then i took an arrow to the knee :(
<tuoppi6767> I used to point a gun at people, but then...
<Tapolako> they speak english in arrow to the knee?!